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A few dampwood pics - Hodotermopsis sjostedti

termites hodotermopsis hodotermopsidae

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#1 Offline ItalianTermiteMan2.0 - Posted December 26 2023 - 8:56 AM


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Here's a few decent pics of a pair of alcohol-preserved soldiers of Hodotermopsis sjostedti, a very large dampwood termite from Asia formerly included in the Archotermopsidae family, but now the sole member of the newly erected Hodotermopsidae. These soldiers employ their large and powerful toothed mandibles to fight off foes ranging from intruding ants to other competing colonies of their own species.
Dorsal wiew.
Ventral wiew. The large tarsi and tarsal claws grants them an excellent grip on the wood they inhabit.
The impressive mandibles of these soldiers; note their marked and asymmetrical dentition and the round labrum. You can also see the eyes, which in this species are present in all castes.


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#2 Offline JesseTheAntKid - Posted December 26 2023 - 9:43 AM


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The third picture looks like he's saying "PROTECT THE QUEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Currently keeping: Pheidole obscurithorax (FINALLY I CAN STUDY THEM AND HAVE THEIR COOL MAJORS  B)), Tetramorium bicarinatum, Solenopsis spp. (probably xyloni, the queens are tiny hehe)

Wanting: Atta texana, Camponotus planatus (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HOOK ME UP WITH ATTA)

Previously kept: Monomorium minimum, Pheidole dentata


"ATTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" -Me

"AAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Even more me


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: termites, hodotermopsis, hodotermopsidae

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