The last month or so that a messor barbarus colony (35+ workers) has been living in its formicarium, the queen has never come out of the nest--at least, not that I've seen.
Tonight though, the whole colony went ape crazy. I found a 3/4" centipede under a rock outside, froze it, cut open its belly, and tossed it in their outworld. All the ants came swarming out of the nest--including the queen.
Most of the colony attacked the dead centipede, while the queen ran around the formicarium perimeter frantically.
I've put other dead/frozen insects in the outworld area before, insects of equal or greater size (moth, baby grasshopper, enormous June bug) and the ants never freaked out. Queen never left nest.
This time, with the centipede specifically, they all went nuts. I would have never put it in the outworld if I had known it would cause this much stress.
Has anyone else had a bad experience with particular insects--as if there are insects that predate ants in the wild, and the ants recognize them?
I'd really like to avoid this from happening in the future. How will I know if an insect will cause this commotion again? How do I know when an insect is "safe" food vs. "scary" food? Ant tips?