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Myrmica sp. Journey.

myrmica myrmicinae semi claustral founding

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#1 Offline michiganantsinmyyard - Posted November 18 2023 - 4:06 PM


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Week 1: 


This is the first week I have taken my Myrmica queen out of hibernation. She was caught during August, and hearing that they might not lay eggs before hibernation and because I wasn't prepared to take care of her, I put her in my fridge until today. This day marks the 3 1/2 month mark, and it seems like to me this would simulate a winter well enough for the queen.


I put a little depression in the cotton because I was afraid of her losing moisture, and she seems to be using it well. I know her hiding in it is a sign of stress, but that was because fumbled and dropped her test tube when I was warming her up, and she doesn't seem to have dug any deeper in the cotton so no worries of drowning. So far I am feeding her a little honey and a piece of rehydrated krill, which I really hope she takes because my fruit fly stocks are running dry. I don't think I'll be updating this much, as founding isn't very eventful, but I will make sure to update this if anything interesting happens.











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#2 Offline michiganantsinmyyard - Posted November 18 2023 - 4:08 PM


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Sorry for bad picture quality, I am only able to use a normal Iphone 14 camera for pictures, and I wanted to be quick so I wouldn't disturb her too much.

#3 Offline ANTdrew - Posted November 18 2023 - 6:32 PM


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Good luck! Try to get a clip on macro lens for your phone. I like the Leknes brand sold on Amazon.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#4 Offline michiganantsinmyyard - Posted November 20 2023 - 7:12 PM


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Week 1: Continued.
I've ordered the macro lens for my phone, but for now I have to make do with some flashlight adjusted pictures. The queen is much more active and less shy after a feeding of krill and honey. You can see her colours in these two pictures quite good. I probably won't upload anything else until I have acquired the lense, or she lays any eggs.









Edited by michiganantsinmyyard, November 20 2023 - 7:13 PM.

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#5 Offline michiganantsinmyyard - Posted November 25 2023 - 5:49 PM


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Week 2: Lense! And finally some good photos.

As the title suggests, the lense for the camera finally came! I got some good pictures of the queen in her test tube, hopefully I can get an identification with them. 

No eggs or larva so far, but I'm not worried.





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#6 Offline 100lols - Posted November 25 2023 - 6:32 PM


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Wow! Great investment. The pictures are gorgeous. Really hope she gets workers!

#7 Offline michiganantsinmyyard - Posted November 26 2023 - 12:56 PM


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If anyone does have any idea about species, or even what group it is in, please share! 

#8 Offline michiganantsinmyyard - Posted December 9 2023 - 8:29 AM


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Finally! She laid eggs. After all this time of taking care of her, I thought she may have been infertile, or just not eating any food I gave her. But I recently disturbed her to add food to her test tube, and saw her picking something up. 

Upon closer inspection, they are most definitely her children. 

I can't really tell if it is eggs or early stage larvae, but either way it proves she is capable of laying.


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#9 Offline michiganantsinmyyard - Posted December 18 2023 - 5:51 AM


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Journal isn't discontinued, but nothing particularly exciting has happened. There are some small larva, and some more eggs, but nothing exciting. Until I see large noteworthy larva or pupa, I won't update this journal.

#10 Offline ANTdrew - Posted December 18 2023 - 7:18 AM


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It is winter now. I wouldn’t expect much from northern ants like these.
  • rptraut and 100lols like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: myrmica, myrmicinae, semi claustral, founding

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