based on the ant type you could do food tests to see how sensitive the ants are to sugar/fat levels of foods.
Like for sugar drinkers you could mix up controlled batches with varying amounts of sugar in each dispenser, setting all out to see if the ants get picky about which ones they go for first/at all.
Do they have an exacting gauge of how sugary it is and do they have a specifically desired "just right" amount they can show us when they choose one dispenser over others with more and less sugar in them?
Something similar but for protein/fat content could be worked out for hunter ants if that's what you were working with.
Or you could do something along these lines:
Internally this is a maze that loops back over itself constantly, and the ants can't figure out how to get on the top part with the food bowl.
Every now and then you'll see one up there that managed it, but they can't achieve a foraging chain up to the food and back due to the way the maze loops their own sent trail back onto itself over and over again.
You could make scaled up open face mazes of similar designs to the product, to demonstrate what kinds of mazes ants can and can't solve.