Never thought I'd actually catch one of these. Not going to get my hopes up yet. I guess I have by making this journal but I'm not going to get too excited yet. The other day it was really hot and humid. Felt like a stormy day. Not much rain fell but I suspected some hit my local trail. Went anting and had a lot of success. I've seen these workers around and went right where I thought a lot of good species might be. I was so happy when I saw this queen on the ground. She is semi claustral so I will be feeding her flies, nectar, and seeds?? I guess these eat seeds. There is not much info on them as far as I can tell. AntWiki just says,"This species nests in the soil, with the entrance surrounded by a small mound, or under stones. It feeds on seeds and dead insects." I've also given her sand to make her feel more at home. I'll get better photos of her soon.