A week ago, my friend and I caught a C.Vicinus queen under a piece of bark on the ground in the Yosemite area. This is weird since it is so late in the year, and since this is on a school trip, I quickly tubed up the queen without checking if there were any other ants. I don't recall seeing workers. However, a few days later, I found a colony (50+ workers) of
Vicinus in a piece of wood. We broke the wood open and collected some workers, but couldn't find a queen. I decided to see what would happen when I introduced them to my queen in the test tube. Surprisingly, they accepted each other and began feeding via trophallaxis. NOW I HAVE FIVE ANTS IN TOTAL.Arriving at home, I connected the tube to an outworld with some honey water and a crushed silverfish, which they ate. The queen even came out to forage for honey!
The problem is, when should I hibernate them, since they are a small colony, and I live in SoCal, so there are no cold places except the fridge, which is 37 degrees Fahrenheit.
How should I go along hibernating, and can anyone explain how I found the queen so late?