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Dspdrew Appreciation Thread
Started By
, Sep 13 2023 8:09 PM
14 replies to this topic
Posted September 13 2023 - 8:09 PM
This thread is a place for people to show their appreciation for all the hard work dspdrew has put into this site. I highly encourage anyone who sees this to just take a minute to write something down, it doesn’t have to be much, but just writing down a couple heartfelt words it is the least you can do to show your thanks.
Now, to start off with, I personally just want to thank Drew and say that, as a relatively new ant keeper, finding this forum when I started the hobby has proved to be an invaluable discovery. It has been an absolute goldmine of useful tips, journals, and people to talk to. Browsing through all the posts on here really keeps my fascination with ants alive—and deepens it further! I think I speak for all of us when I say that you have helped shape the ant-keeping community into what it is today. You have created a platform where everyone from newbies to seasoned ant keepers can come together to share their thoughts and experiences with one another. For that, I want to thank you and give you my best wishes for all your future endeavors.
Now, to start off with, I personally just want to thank Drew and say that, as a relatively new ant keeper, finding this forum when I started the hobby has proved to be an invaluable discovery. It has been an absolute goldmine of useful tips, journals, and people to talk to. Browsing through all the posts on here really keeps my fascination with ants alive—and deepens it further! I think I speak for all of us when I say that you have helped shape the ant-keeping community into what it is today. You have created a platform where everyone from newbies to seasoned ant keepers can come together to share their thoughts and experiences with one another. For that, I want to thank you and give you my best wishes for all your future endeavors.
- dspdrew, ANTdrew, Manitobant and 13 others like this
Posted September 14 2023 - 7:00 AM
When I found this forum I was struggling to get a colony to nanitics whereas now I have kept and am keeping fifty plus, one hundred plus, and three hundred plus workers in colonies. That was all because of this forum and its members and both would not be here without Drew.
I sincerely want to thank Drew for making this forum and for all the help it has given ant keepers.
- dspdrew, bmb1bee, Voidley and 1 other like this
Posted September 14 2023 - 8:21 AM
This thread is a great idea. I think few of us can even fathom how much work went into this forum and how much must have to be done to regularly maintain it. Formiculture really is the best forum of its kind out there. I've made good friends, learned so much, and become a better ant keeper. I am very thankful for Drew's work here.
- dspdrew, ConcordAntman, M_Ants and 5 others like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.
Posted September 14 2023 - 9:27 AM
Agreed. Ever since I've come here to this forum, I've learned so much more from other antkeepers and enthusiasts! To think I used to be afraid of ants back when I was younger is kinda funny... In any case, I'm glad to be a part of this community and participate with the rest of you all in things like nuptial flights and forum threads. Cheers to Drew for starting it all!
- dspdrew, antsriondel and 100lols like this
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali
Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.
Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee
Posted September 14 2023 - 6:15 PM
Dear Andrew,
I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for all of the energy, effort, and resources you put into Formiculture. Doing business with you has been an absolute pleasure, each and every time. I'm continually impressed by the high level of quality and dedication you bring to all your work. I look forward to continuing our successful community I’ve had the pleasure of joining this year, and witnessing the continued growth and success of Formiculture under your guidance.
Dax London
I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for all of the energy, effort, and resources you put into Formiculture. Doing business with you has been an absolute pleasure, each and every time. I'm continually impressed by the high level of quality and dedication you bring to all your work. I look forward to continuing our successful community I’ve had the pleasure of joining this year, and witnessing the continued growth and success of Formiculture under your guidance.
Dax London
Edited by 100lols, September 14 2023 - 6:16 PM.
- dspdrew, antsriondel, rptraut and 2 others like this
Posted September 14 2023 - 6:33 PM
This forum is the best in ant keeping, superior to the antscanada thread. Thank you for creating such a great community and helping me with problems along the way :-)
Ps This is the new most wholesome thread on the platform lol
Ps This is the new most wholesome thread on the platform lol
- dspdrew, antsriondel, rptraut and 3 others like this
Interested buying in ants? Feel free to check out my shop!
Feel free to read my journals, like this one.
Atta sp (wish they were in CA), Crematogaster cerasi, Most Pheidole species
Posted September 15 2023 - 7:07 AM
Thank you, dspdrew! Without this forum I most likely not be able to keep the species I have now, which are some of my favorite ants to keep. I would still be a pretty bad ant keeper without formiculture. THANK YOU!
Edited by Tanks, September 15 2023 - 7:12 AM.
- dspdrew, AntsCali098, Voidley and 1 other like this
Posted September 15 2023 - 1:41 PM
Hello dspdrew;
I would like to add my thanks for all the time and effort you put into the operation of this forum. It must be frustrating at times - keeping hardware and software running smoothly, doing daily maintenance and all the time fending off cyber-attacks and spammers! Please know that your efforts are appreciated.
I found this forum while researching how to look after a large ant colony I had just found. I don't think I would have that colony today if it wasn't for this forum and your good work. Thank you
- dspdrew, ANTdrew, antsriondel and 3 others like this
My father always said I had ants in my pants.
Posted September 18 2023 - 5:51 PM
I hope you and yours are well. I’ve been here since 2018. With what I’ve learned here, I’ve been better able to manage my colonies and made friends all around the globe. Thank you for keeping the this train on the rails. You’ve made it an important connection for us all.
- dspdrew, ANTdrew, Ernteameise and 2 others like this
Posted September 18 2023 - 6:57 PM
Without Drew, I would never be the antkeeper I am today. I would have never been able to connect with other smart antkeepers and neither would those people have. I've also learned so much from his posts which have helped me since I joined in 2018. I don't wanna sound like a glazer here but I feel like Drew might be the most impactful antkeeper to step foot in the hobby. He might not be the reason people join the hobby, but I feel like he's the biggest reason that people go from being newbies to being great in the hobby. Lastly thank you for keeping this forum up strong for 10 years. Looking forward to seeing what more you will do in the future!
Edited by B_rad0806, September 18 2023 - 6:58 PM.
- dspdrew, ANTdrew, antsriondel and 5 others like this
Posted June 17 2024 - 12:13 PM
Dear dspdrew,
thank you for making this community alive. You have thought me so much in your posts and journals and I hope that continues
. You have helped not me but all of us find a place here in Formiculture.
I look forward to see what you will do to improve this site more than before.
- bmb1bee likes this
Currently keeping: 2 C.vicinus colonies.2 C.sansabeanus. 1 C.leavissimus. 2 C.Ca02. 1 V.pergandei. 4 T.immigrans.1 F.pacifica. 1 C.hyatti
1 M.ergatognya
Trying to get my hands on :C.modoc,A.vercicolor, and Any Honeypots
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