In mid august I caught 3 Formica Aserva queens, this is their journey, 2 have died (Presumed to be infertile) the 3rd and last queen has just gotten pupae!
Edited by Antguy, September 5 2023 - 7:33 PM.
In mid august I caught 3 Formica Aserva queens, this is their journey, 2 have died (Presumed to be infertile) the 3rd and last queen has just gotten pupae!
Edited by Antguy, September 5 2023 - 7:33 PM.
I will post photos as soon as I can figure out how to
Edited by Antguy, September 5 2023 - 7:36 PM.
they look healthy!
"I am here on Earth, and I am only a speck of sand in the desert, a blade of grass in a field. I am no greater than any one of these busy ants who build for each other's comfort. " - King Solomon
Currently keeping: Myrmecocystus Depilis, Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Wishlist: Camponotus Ocreatus
Infact they just got 2 more pupae!
At 4 pupae 2 larvae right now, still waiting for nanitics, should be any day
Second naked pupae 6/6 are pupae now
The ants have gotten their first nanitic! she's very small
The queen has laid roughly 25 eggs!
Currently keeping
-T. immigrans
-B. patagonicus
-N. cockerelli
I will want to also keep some other lasius types in the future.
You should also subscribe to my youtube channel!
I recounted just now and I counted 40
fed more protein and they seemed to have liked it
the eggs are so close to becoming larvae
Colony is doing well, tons of brood! Keep up the good work, they'll be a booming colony in no time!
Ants are small creatures... but together... they can rule the world.
I'm super excited for the summer!
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