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21 replies to this topic

#21 Offline dspdrew - Posted September 13 2023 - 5:02 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Oh believe me I know it does that. I have to constantly delete double or triple posts because of it. I don't know exactly what it is, and haven't really troubleshot it, because I'm planning to move the forum over to a brand new virtual machine I build about a year ago with the latest version of CentOS. I spent a lot of time on it. It has automatic cert renewal with LetsEncrypt and two replicating instances of MariaDB so I can back it up constantly without any performance hit. The reason why i didn't immediately move the forum over is because it will require upgrading the forum. With all of my customization, this is going to be a huge job. Just expect to see a new forum with a dark color theme soon.


BTW if you took a look at the IP's you would see it is indeed in a data center, Digital Realty in Los Angeles to be exact.

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#22 Offline Voidley - Posted September 13 2023 - 8:26 PM


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That settles it, Drew thank you for all the amazing work you’ve done on this forum and for anyone else who would like to give their thanks, the new topic is here:

P.S. thank you bmb1bee for this idea

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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