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My Aphaenogaster megommata Journal

aphaenogaster megommata aphaenogaster first journal

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#1 Offline BakersfieldAnts - Posted August 23 2023 - 4:43 PM



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(8/22/23) at 8:30-10:00 pm I found multiple of these queens wandering in a wash in the desert. I never saw anything like them before they reminded me of the Novomessor I was also collecting, just much smaller and a nice yellow color. There isn’t much information on them online so since I got a good amount of queens I figured I should make a journal on them. This is my first journal and hopefully it's a good one, so far I have reserved queens to keep for myself and I'll be selling/giving some to friends. I will update once they lay eggs.



Video Link (more detail): https://imgur.com/oTEpzKY

Attached Images

  • 20230822_213546.jpg
  • 20230822_213228.jpg

Edited by BakersfieldAnts, September 28 2023 - 11:51 AM.

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#2 Offline bmb1bee - Posted August 23 2023 - 4:55 PM


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"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, his eyes can't hit what the eyes can't see."
- Muhammad Ali

Check out my shop and cryptic ant journal! Discord user is bmb1bee if you'd like to chat.

Also check out my YouTube channel: @bmb1bee

#3 Offline AntsCali098 - Posted August 23 2023 - 5:36 PM


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Seems like a lot of people have been catching these recently, I was able to find an alate that is probably infertile but hopefully I am wrong.

Beautiful species

Interested buying in ants? Feel free to check out my shop

Feel free to read my journals, like this one.



Atta sp (wish they were in CA), Crematogaster cerasi, Most Pheidole species



#4 Offline Manitobant - Posted August 24 2023 - 9:49 AM


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Yeah I really don’t think megommata is that rare like we originally thought. They just happen to be strictly nocturnal so most people never see them.

#5 Offline BakersfieldAnts - Posted August 24 2023 - 1:58 PM



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Yeah I really don’t think megommata is that rare like we originally thought. They just happen to be strictly nocturnal so most people never see them.


Yeah maybe because I caught the most I've seen people get online, I think they are mostly regarded as rare for them being nocturnal and no dense populations of them. just a guess tho lol.

#6 Offline BakersfieldAnts - Posted August 24 2023 - 1:59 PM



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Seems like a lot of people have been catching these recently, I was able to find an alate that is probably infertile but hopefully I am wrong.

Beautiful species


Yeah I have also seen people getting more but most people only collect one at a time. I havent seen anyone catch more than 5 anywhere. except for me  :yahoo:

Edited by BakersfieldAnts, August 24 2023 - 2:01 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aphaenogaster megommata, aphaenogaster, first journal

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