A little update on my progress so far. I have a Lasius neoniger colony doing great, I couldn't get a good picture of my Camponotus herculeanus or formica fusca colonieas but my Formica colony has 8 workers and a ton of brood, and my herculeanus colony has about 30 workers and is doing great, but very slow growing (All caught August 2014).
Caught this year I have 2 formica fusca queens http://www.formicult...d-confirmation/, one has a few eggs now caught a few weeks ago, two more Lasius neoniger queens http://www.formicult...us-neoniger-id/.
I have a few Camponotus I caught this year four Camponotus noveboracensis one already has its first worker, and the rest are close. 2 Camponotus pennsylvanicus much slower than the noveboracensis both only have a few eggs. Two herculeanus with small pile of eggs.
And this http://www.formicult...ca-rubra-queen/.
Caught 8 more Lasius neoniger Queens, http://www.formicult...tia-canada-yet/
I only got pictures of a few of them before my camera stopped working properly. Any suggestions on a good cheaper camera?
Lasius neoniger
Lasius neoniger
Camponotus noveboracensis
Camponotus noveboracensis
Camponotus pennsylvanicus
Camponotus noveboracensis
Camponotus noveboracensis - One worker enclosed caught July 6 2015.
Edited by AntsMAN, August 22 2015 - 6:07 PM.