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Neotermes castaneus, fragment colony

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#1 Offline ItalianTermiteMan2.0 - Posted July 24 2023 - 4:32 PM


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The pic is terrible, but i'll share it nonetheless: here's a young (less than two months from the time of fragmentation) neotenic-headed colony of Neotermes cfr castaneus, an easy to keep and low maintenance but slow-growing dampwood Kalotermitidae of very respectable size (soldiers up to 13.5 mm) and particularly bulky soldiers. Due to this species' slow growth rate this is the very first (and for now only) fragment i ever separed from my still tiny "main" colony, which i obtained around two years ago in the form of a group of less than 20 of pseudergates. At the top-left you can see part of one of the neotenic royals, while the few eggs they produced as now are at the soldier's right.




Edited by ItalianTermiteMan2.0, July 24 2023 - 4:35 PM.

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