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Did a bee or wasp do this?

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9 replies to this topic

#1 Offline balconygarden - Posted August 2 2023 - 10:42 PM



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I found this under the blanket on my balcony couch, where I sit every day. There has been what we believe is a solitary wasp coming and going for the last week or so; I thought she was nesting in the metal tubes under the couch (see previous post), then today I found this. There is a substance inside. I didn't want to disturb it too much. I have been sitting right on this! What should I do?20230803_085646.jpg 20230803_091532.jpg

#2 Offline balconygarden - Posted August 2 2023 - 10:58 PM



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This is in Ankara, Turkey.

#3 Offline balconygarden - Posted August 3 2023 - 10:44 AM



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I got this video



Looks like a yellow jacket, but definitely hasn't been aggressive at all. Very calm and minds her business. But now that her nest has been disturbed, she seems more agitated. She was flying all around like she was guarding it. I would like to remove the nest to somewhere that will be safe for it and she will be able to find it. Does anyone know what the best thing to do would be? Thank you.

#4 Offline gcsnelling - Posted August 3 2023 - 3:03 PM



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Looks like a harmless Megachilid bee, Anthidium or someone along those lines. Harmless, nothing to worry about.

#5 Offline ANTdrew - Posted August 3 2023 - 3:35 PM


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Looks 100% like Anthidium maculatum to me. A harmless and highly charismatic solitary bee. You can breathe a deep sigh of relief.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
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#6 Offline balconygarden - Posted August 3 2023 - 9:25 PM



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Thank you! If I move the nest she built to another part of the balcony, she'll be able to find it, right? I was thinking of cutting off that part of the blanket and putting it in a box, so it's safe and not on my couch. It's a very small balcony so no matter where I put it, it won't be far from the original spot.

#7 Offline gcsnelling - Posted August 4 2023 - 2:43 AM



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Sadly that nest is probably done for. esp if you move it.

#8 Offline balconygarden - Posted August 4 2023 - 7:58 AM



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I had to move it, but just slightly. It's still on the couch and under the same blanket. I had seen the bee under the blanket Wednesday night, so Thursday morning I checked to make sure she wasn't there before I sat down. That's how I discovered the nest. It was under the blanket under the back cushion, so it had already gotten disturbed. I covered it with the blanket and left it alone; later I saw her going in and out of there and she was still carrying in fuzz balls (now I know what she was carrying). That was when I got the video. So I had to move it from there because it was right on top of the couch. I just moved it over to the side of the couch where I don't sit. It's only a foot or two away from where it was.

Even if she doesn't come back and find it, isn't there a possibility that the larvae will still survive? Why wouldn't they?

#9 Offline ANTdrew - Posted August 4 2023 - 9:46 AM


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Yes, these are solitary bees that stock nest cells with pollen and nectar and leave the larvae to fend for themselves. They line the nest cells with plant fuzz, hence the common name: wool carder bee.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#10 Offline balconygarden - Posted August 6 2023 - 12:14 AM



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Thank you for the information. I hope they'll be ok. I really enjoyed that bee's visits to my balcony every day and I feel bad that I unintentionally disturbed her process :(

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