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Unfertile queens and ant trash

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#1 Offline azzaaazzzz00 - Posted August 1 2023 - 9:36 AM


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I have a Prenolepis and a pheidole queen that have eggs but not in a neat little pile like the other founding queens I have. The eggs in the Prenolepis test tube is all over the place and is spread along the test tube. The pheidole queen also did this but only has 5 eggs so far. One egg is at the cotton blocking the exit and the other 4 near the cotton blocking the water. the 4 are fairly close to each other. so maybe the one at the other end was just forgotten? I've heard that this means they are infertile, is that true? thanks


Edit: I don't want to post another topic for another question so I'm squeezing it in here. I test tube feed most my ants before I give them outworlds. They always drag the insects I feed them all the way to the rest of the colony in the back. and the colonys that do have outworlds drag the food to the nest and just never dumps it out, they don't even have a designated trash pile yet. what should I do? thanks again

Edited by azzaaazzzz00, August 1 2023 - 9:49 AM.

Been keeping ants since January of 2021

Always try new things, even if its hard, hard is not impossible. We are smart and it's good to be smart but not too smart for your own good.

#2 Offline DevinTheAntKeeper - Posted August 2 2023 - 6:02 AM


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Topic 1: The prenolepis queen is sadly infertile. But to me, it does sound like the pheidole queen maybe infertile too. Unless it did actually forget about that one egg.


Topic 2: Easy fix. Just put a piece of colony trash near an edge of the outworld and slowly they will put their trash there.

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#3 Offline azzaaazzzz00 - Posted August 4 2023 - 9:33 AM


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Thanks I will do that, the ants store all their trash fairly close to the exsit so ill be able to get a little piece out fairly easily. Thanks!

  • DevinTheAntKeeper likes this
Been keeping ants since January of 2021

Always try new things, even if its hard, hard is not impossible. We are smart and it's good to be smart but not too smart for your own good.

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