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Dspdrew's test tube rack/shelves

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#1 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 18 2015 - 8:45 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA
I decided to build some shelves to hold my test tubes so I don't have to keep shuffling them around on egg crate foam.
The supplies
Making the shelf brackets
Shelf brackets done
To be continued... B)
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#2 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted August 18 2015 - 4:36 PM


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Is it just me that dislikes the idea of thin glass tubes with ants in it on metal racks? :lol: Good idea, but what is wrong with egg crate foam?

#3 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 18 2015 - 7:47 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Oh I'm still using the egg crate foam, I'm just going to have it on shelves instead of piling them on top of each other and picking them up like a sling every time I want to move them around.


What sucks about living in an apartment, is I have to have the store cut my boards for me. I'm one who believes if you want something done right you have to do it yourself, but I'm pretty much screwed when it comes to making large cuts.


Well tonight at Home Depot, I tried to get some hardboard cut into 8-3/4" strips, but after 15 minutes wasted, I just ended up with a 40 dollar pile of scraps. I can't believe how pissed off this guy was that he had to do his job and cut some boards for a customer. Some of these boards weren't even within a half inch of the measurement I gave him. One of them was even cut diagonal, and another one he cut the corner off of!


Needless to say, I wasn't about to buy this garbage, so I went to customer service and showed them the mess, and they told me I could get a huge discount on them if any were still usable. I ended up keeping a couple pieces that were somewhat close to the measurement, and they just gave them to me for free.


I guess I'll have to try another Home Depot and see if they have someone competent working the lumber section. At this rate I won't have this thing done for weeks.

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#4 Offline drtrmiller - Posted August 18 2015 - 8:41 PM



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byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
byFormica ant products always deliver consistent performance, convenience,
and reliability, making them among the most beloved ant foods and kit enjoyed by
ant keeping enthusiasts worldwide. For more information, visit www.byFormica.com.

#5 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 18 2015 - 9:58 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

What happened to A) ?

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#6 Offline Foogoo - Posted August 19 2015 - 9:34 AM


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Well tonight at Home Depot, I tried to get some hardboard cut into 8-3/4" strips, but after 15 minutes wasted, I just ended up with a 40 dollar pile of scraps. I can't believe how pissed off this guy was that he had to do his job and cut some boards for a customer. Some of these boards weren't even within a half inch of the measurement I gave him. One of them was even cut diagonal, and another one he cut the corner off of!


Needless to say, I wasn't about to buy this garbage, so I went to customer service and showed them the mess, and they told me I could get a huge discount on them if any were still usable. I ended up keeping a couple pieces that were sort of close to what I needed, and they just gave them to me for free.


I guess I'll have to try another Home Depot and see if they have someone competent working the lumber section. At this rate I won't have this thing done for weeks.

Ohhh yeah. I usually just have them cut it just small enough so it fits in my car then do the actual cuts myself. HD is pretty good about complaints too, if you fill out the survey on the receipt. For the record so everyone doesn't think I'm a complainer, I also fill them out to praise good service.  :D

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#7 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 19 2015 - 1:41 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Yeah, I would do the same thing if I had a saw big enough and lived somewhere I could use it.


The guy I had make the same cuts on the same material a few days before cut them perfectly, and was happy to do it. That's why I knew I wasn't just me; that guy last night really did suck and probably shouldn't be working that job.

#8 Offline AntsTexas - Posted August 19 2015 - 6:44 PM


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here's a thought ice cube trays as test tube holders (could be used as temp storage, until u find something better)



Ant Queens found:


Solenopsis Invicta,  Solenopsis xyloni,  Brachymyrmex depilis/Sp,  Myrmecocystus Mimicus,  Pogonomyrmex barbatus,

Forelius pruinosus,  Camponotus sayi, Dorymyrmex insanus, crematogaster ashmeadi,



Ant Queens i have going right now:


camponotus sayi, solenopsis invicta, Myrmecocystus Mimicus, Forelius pruinosus

Pogonomyrmex barbatus, and some others (no i.d.)


YouTube:  AntsTexas


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Facebook page:  AntsTexas

#9 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 20 2015 - 6:19 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

That's actually a pretty good idea. Wastes a little bit of space, but for making one out of household items, that's pretty good.

#10 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 20 2015 - 6:26 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

BTW, yesterday I went to another Home Depot to get the last sheet of hardboard with the same cuts made, and the guy cut everything accurately and did it in like 2 minutes. I am confident now that that other guy was just lazy, or doesn't know what he's doing... or both.

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#11 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 21 2015 - 6:35 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA
Finally have everything cut and sanded. Just needs a little more painting and then assembling. :)
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#12 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 21 2015 - 6:34 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA
Getting there.
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#13 Offline Miles - Posted August 21 2015 - 6:43 PM


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Looking very nice!

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#14 Offline dermy - Posted August 21 2015 - 6:44 PM


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Very nice! I like your carpet ;)

#15 Offline LC3 - Posted August 21 2015 - 6:55 PM


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Very nice! I like your carpet ;)

Cause some dermestids infest carpets?

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#16 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 21 2015 - 8:31 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Very nice! I like your carpet ;)


Thanks. You can even see where I accidentally dripped some hummingbird nectar on it.

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#17 Offline William. T - Posted August 22 2015 - 6:14 AM

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Incredible. You need to make furniture for ant keeping.

Getting there.

Species I keep:


1 Lasius cf. Neoniger 30 workers

1 Camponotus sp. 15 workers

20 Tetramorium SpE 30 workers

1 T. Sessile 200 workers


#18 Offline kellakk - Posted August 22 2015 - 7:02 AM


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Looking good! Where did you find that bare piece of carpet? :D

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Current Species:
Camponotus fragilis

Novomessor cockerelli

Pogonomyrmex montanus

Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Manica bradleyi



#19 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 22 2015 - 7:08 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Looking good! Where did you find that bare piece of carpet? :D


:lol: It was hard, but after sometime looking around I found it.

#20 Offline William. T - Posted August 22 2015 - 7:26 AM

William. T

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Small question:


If eye candy is not in mind, why not get Rubbermaid drawer, and make racks in each one to hold test tubes.

Species I keep:


1 Lasius cf. Neoniger 30 workers

1 Camponotus sp. 15 workers

20 Tetramorium SpE 30 workers

1 T. Sessile 200 workers


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