Update: I should probably mention, one Tetramorium bicarinatum queen escaped as I moved them, freshly caught, from their test tube into a sand container, for a more suitable foraging kind of space. So I'm down to two. However.
Both are huddling in the little hidey hole I dug for them and it looks like they are huddling over eggs. I tried to catch a couple workers, but they have pretty nasty stings, so. The one worker I caught died. Anyway, the queens are doing well and are very settled in. Also, with the experience I have with T. bicarinatum, the queens are almost unaffected by being kidnapped from a bunch of workers. I don't know if I'm completely wrong, but they generally don't act different when taken and even go out to forage, unlike other queens I have experienced, who simply stand still and wait for death when separated from the colony. Anyway, if they show signs of being depressed and sad and "WAAAAh" I'll go out and heist a couple queens and workers. Knowing T. bicarinatum's level of polygyny, they should blend well. If not, I'll remove the two queens from the grasp of the other colony.
Currently keeping: Pheidole obscurithorax (FINALLY I CAN STUDY THEM AND HAVE THEIR COOL MAJORS ), Tetramorium bicarinatum, Solenopsis spp. (probably xyloni, the queens are tiny hehe)
Wanting: Atta texana, Camponotus planatus (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HOOK ME UP WITH ATTA)
Previously kept: Monomorium minimum, Pheidole dentata
"ATTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" -Me
"AAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Even more me