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Bleeper's First Time At Ant Keeping - Camponotus CA02

camponotus ca02 mini hearth xl carpenter ants expo tarheelants heat cable tar heel ants beginner

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#121 Online OwlThatLikesAnts - Posted August 7 2024 - 6:56 AM


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wow I love giant ants but I am in Canada where the Camponotus queens are as big as you majors and I have never found a colony, only majors harassing smaller ants and your journal is soo good that it made me jealous  :(

Currently keeping:


1x Formica subsericea, 20+ workers + a decently sized brood pile (35-40)

1x Crematogaster cerasi 3 workers with brood (been going all winter)


*As you watch your ants march, remember that every thing begins with a small step and continued by diligence and shared dreams*

-A.T (Me)


#122 Offline Ljimmy009 - Posted August 15 2024 - 10:10 AM



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Planning to put together another big update full of pictures and details for tomorrow. It's been two months since my last update. Been meaning to but life's been getting heavvyyyyyyyy  %)



my own Ca02 when they first got workers I tried all three mealworms,fruit flies,And crickets(all separate days) and they preferred fruit flies the most. Their least favs were the mealworms, with crickets in the middle.



I just started breeding fruit flies again, the golden hydei variety this time around because my last culture died out and I didn't start a new one on time.


Anyhow, these ants seem to switch preference with food. At first, the superworms became one of their favorite food or so it seems. Now they don't care for it. And to think I was considering breeding them too (and to feed my skinks).


I'm somewhat considering taking out my red runner roaches. So instead of 1x Dubia and 1x Red Runner colonies, I might do 2x Dubias colonies and variety wise will just have to do with stuff I fatten them up with prior to feeding them off to my pets. Red runners were nice but I'm having a tad issue keeping their numbers high enough to do any kinda real feeding. Thinking back, whenever I need them, they didn't breed fast enough and when I don't need them, there were a bunch. Dubias and their ability to give live birth is faring a lot better than red runners and hatching those eggs. Dubias also are much bigger and meatier. However, they hunker down / burrow when scared and don't make very exciting live feeding bugs :/






Hey Bleep, TYSM for the answer. I liked your analogy use of driving cars  :D

.........fed them so much protein they got sick of just earwigs and crickets  %)


How's your ants doing now? It's been a month since your last post. About to do another big update of the colony. Prob post it tomorrow. You should consider posting a journal too, would be interesting to see.

Sup Bleep, my colony now has 13 workers. I already see a noticable size difference between the nanitics and my latest workers. They are doing very well and have a huge brood pile but no eggs yet. They just don't feel like laying this month, probably will put them in dispause next month.

#123 Offline Ljimmy009 - Posted September 9 2024 - 8:20 AM



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Hey Bleep, how is everything doing? It's early September and I've been checking up on Formiculture a lot. It's a sad week because I've lost 4 workers in a week, but most of them were just nanitics. The brood pile is still very strong and the queen recently laid 5 more eggs probably as tribute to the deaths. Anyways, waiting on an update soon! :)

#124 Offline Ljimmy009 - Posted September 9 2024 - 8:22 AM



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wow I love giant ants but I am in Canada where the Camponotus queens are as big as you majors and I have never found a colony, only majors harassing smaller ants and your journal is soo good that it made me jealous  :(

HAHA I would love to see majors harassing smaller ants, that just sounds so funny <3

But, on my trip to Yosemites last month, I saw a Camponotus Vicinus MINOR WORKER harassing a Camponotus Vicinus MAJOR WORKER which seemed funny because a minor worker was harassing a soldier that's literally 2 times larger than it! I brought my macro lens to Yosemites and captured them fighting, lol.

Heres a video of it. You can also see another minor worker's head still attached to the major's leg, which I think the major quickly dispatched of the minor worker but it's head still latched on. I used to have a harvester ant head attached to my show for A YEAR until it disappeared one day. I thought it was cool for it to latch onto my shoe, lol.


Edited by Ljimmy009, September 9 2024 - 8:24 AM.

#125 Offline Yusteponant - Posted September 9 2024 - 8:45 AM


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I'm getting my first CA 02 colony soon!

#126 Offline Ljimmy009 - Posted September 10 2024 - 8:05 AM



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I'm getting my first CA 02 colony soon!

Nice! Good luck!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: camponotus, ca02, mini hearth, xl, carpenter, ants, expo, tarheelants, heat cable, tar heel ants, beginner

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