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Rufa complex or Sanguinae complex?

formica formica worker formica id id request formica sanguinae formica rufa

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#1 Offline LC3 - Posted August 15 2015 - 12:06 PM


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  • LocationBC, Canada

1. Location of collection: Okanagan lake, BC,Canada
2. Date of collection: August,11,2015
3. Habitat of collection: Dry and sandy mountains.

4. Length (from head to gaster):Around 7mm or 8mm, worker lengths vary slightly.

5. Color, hue, pattern and texture:Originally bright orange body and black legs and gaster.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: Long legs and head is nearly always wider than thorax.

7. Anything else distinctive: They're very aggressive but seem to prefer biting than acid nuking.
8. Nest description: unknown, no nest located.


Attached Images

  • IMG_1167.JPG
  • IMG_1166.JPG
  • IMG_1168.JPG
  • IMG_1176.JPG
  • IMG_1177.JPG
  • IMG_1178.JPG
  • IMG_1179.JPG

#2 Offline Nes187 - Posted August 15 2015 - 12:35 PM


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I don't think I have sanguinae here in Alberta but those workers look like the Rufa group to me, I'm pretty sure that's not a Rufa queen in the first couple pics though

#3 Offline LC3 - Posted August 15 2015 - 1:15 PM


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I don't think I have sanguinae here in Alberta but those workers look like the Rufa group to me, I'm pretty sure that's not a Rufa queen in the first couple pics though

It's not a queen all right It's a worker and a dead one. :P I'm leaning on the Sanguinae side but I still have 0 clue on what species this is.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: formica, formica worker, formica id, id request, formica sanguinae, formica rufa

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