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Local Floridian Looking to Sell!

queens 4 sale selling florida local

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5 replies to this topic

#1 Offline JasperNeedsHelp - Posted June 24 2023 - 11:32 PM



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Work in progress, please do not post!

Edited by JasperNeedsHelp, June 26 2023 - 7:20 AM.

Beginner seller, intermediate keeper, long-time enthusiast! Currently keeping:
- x2 Solenopsis invicta queen w/ brood
- x3 Dorymyrmex bureni queen w/ brood
- x1 Crematogaster Emery queen
- x1 Camponotus castaneus queen w/ brood
- x1 [i]Camponotus tortuganus
queen w/ brood
- x13 [i]Camponotus floridanus
queens w/ brood

#2 Offline aznphenom - Posted June 25 2023 - 3:36 AM


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What are you selling?
Keeps: Camponotus, Tetra

Wants (Please reach out if you have them for sale if you’re in the US): Acromyrmex Sp., Atta Sp., Cephalotes Sp., Myrmecocystus Sp (Prefer Mexicanus), Odontomachus Sp. (Prefer Desertorum), Pachycondyla Sp., Pheidole Sp (Prefer Rhea. The bigger the better. Not the tiny bicarinata), Pogonomyrmex Sp (Prefer Badius)., Pseudomyrmex Sp. (Prefer the cute yellow ones)


#3 Offline Yourbasicantkeeper - Posted June 25 2023 - 7:48 AM


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"I am here on Earth, and I am only a speck of sand in the desert, a blade of grass in a field. I am no greater than any one of these busy ants who build for each other's comfort. " - King Solomon


Currently keeping: Myrmecocystus Depilis, Pogonomyrmex Rugosus


Wishlist: Camponotus Ocreatus

#4 Offline JasperNeedsHelp - Posted June 26 2023 - 6:04 AM



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What are you selling?

Haven't gotten to start this, as I'm waiting for several of my new queens to found, as well as to properly ID the queens I do have. Note the "W.I.P".

I will eventually be selling Camponotus and other species like Solenopsis and Dorymyrmex, but only locally to other Florida residents.
Beginner seller, intermediate keeper, long-time enthusiast! Currently keeping:
- x2 Solenopsis invicta queen w/ brood
- x3 Dorymyrmex bureni queen w/ brood
- x1 Crematogaster Emery queen
- x1 Camponotus castaneus queen w/ brood
- x1 [i]Camponotus tortuganus
queen w/ brood
- x13 [i]Camponotus floridanus
queens w/ brood

#5 Offline Yourbasicantkeeper - Posted July 3 2023 - 9:48 AM


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What are you selling?

Haven't gotten to start this, as I'm waiting for several of my new queens to found, as well as to properly ID the queens I do have. Note the "W.I.P".

I will eventually be selling Camponotus and other species like Solenopsis and Dorymyrmex, but only locally to other Florida residents.


Oh, ok

"I am here on Earth, and I am only a speck of sand in the desert, a blade of grass in a field. I am no greater than any one of these busy ants who build for each other's comfort. " - King Solomon


Currently keeping: Myrmecocystus Depilis, Pogonomyrmex Rugosus


Wishlist: Camponotus Ocreatus

#6 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 4 2023 - 5:08 AM


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What are you selling?

Haven't gotten to start this, as I'm waiting for several of my new queens to found, as well as to properly ID the queens I do have. Note the "W.I.P".

I will eventually be selling Camponotus and other species like Solenopsis and Dorymyrmex, but only locally to other Florida residents.
Oh, ok
Posts like these are unnecessary and are basically violating rule 4 of the Forum Rules.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: queens 4 sale, selling, florida, local

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