I have a Tetramorium queen with eggs in a test tube. I caught her on June 15th. Knowing that these ants are rapid growers I am trying to figure out what my next steps will need to be. Having no experience, or the ability to see or handle formicariums in person (just images and descriptions online) it's been pretty difficult figuring out what I want/need. I'm pretty certain I am interested in something from Tarheel Ants but couldn't really narrow down what the best option for my queen/colony would be after the test tube stage. Many of the listings specifically state that they are not suited for small or tiny species, but in the drop-down options you can select small or tiny ants....The Talus is one that I was looking at that had info like that. Do I need the Bifurcated Mini Hearth? The Inception Chamber? How long before they outgrow these options? Are Tetramorium considered small or tiny ants? Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
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