Another Messor queen has survived to see her 1st daughter born!
Wow, since late September...
The queen seemed very slow and weak, but I gave her a squashed sunflower seed and she took it really soon, taking most of its bits back to the pile of brood. Meanwhile she has been eating, so everything seems to be fine.
I was testing another phone I have, testing its camera for macro photography and it seems to be fine.
I took a photo of these ants and I've noticed that the nanitic has her jaws much lighter than the rest of her body. She is 2 days old top. But she's already hard working, a still bit clumsy but she's already taking care of her soon to be sisters.
I'm assuming this is perfectly normal. So, just asking, is her exoskeleton not fully hard yet, and her jaws take some more time to harden?
PS - I know I have a dozen topics and reply to catch up... Soon! Sorry guys.