Hello everybody. Today I am starting my first journal, which I am planning to update weekly. I caught a lasius emarginatus queen on Friday, June 28th.
I put her in a test tube setup and left her in the dark for about a week. Down below you can find a few pictures if her and her brood (btw don’t worry my pictures are usually better I just don’t want to stress her out to much during founding). I personally think a queen can go for either of the two strategies. The first scenario is one where she will lay only a few eggs, and tend to them really well. This means once the nanitics hatch, she will only have a few, but they will be big and strong. The second part she can take is laying tons of eggs, which results in lots of smaller and weaker nanitics. My queen seems to be taking option two.
I think this is going to be it, I will update you guys on Sunday again and then I will update weekly.