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I can't get into my account

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4 replies to this topic

#1 Offline Guest_BackupAccount_* - Posted April 22 2023 - 9:53 AM

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This is a Backup (as the name says), whenever I log in, the password is always saved for me. I've never really thought about memorizing it so it kind of slipped. I tried to sign in today, but the password had unsaved. I tried the password recover thing many times but it never gets sent. I had changed my main email account because my original one wouldn't accept emails. I'm hoping someone can reset my password for me and message me. Thanks

-Azzaaazzzz00 (that's my original account on here)

#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted April 22 2023 - 10:03 AM


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Pm Dspdrew.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#3 Offline Guest_BackupAccount_* - Posted April 22 2023 - 10:05 AM

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I will, thanks

#4 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 22 2023 - 11:41 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Check your spam folder. The email was delivered to your email system.


2023-04-22T08:04:57.074Z,08DB109FBF68CC0A,16,<,MAIL FROM:<no-reply@formiculture.com>,
2023-04-22T08:04:57.074Z,08DB109FBF68CC0A,17,*,08DB109FBF68CC0A;2023-04-22T08:04:57.074Z;1,receiving message
2023-04-22T08:04:57.074Z,08DB109FBF68CC0A,18,>,250 2.1.0 Sender OK,
2023-04-22T08:04:57.074Z,08DB109FBF68CC0A,19,<,RCPT TO:<email address removed>,
2023-04-22T08:04:57.074Z,08DB109FBF68CC0A,20,>,250 2.1.5 Recipient OK,
2023-04-22T08:04:57.074Z,08DB109FBF68CC0A,22,>,354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>,
2023-04-22T08:05:01.596Z,08DB109FBF68CC07,23,*,Tarpit for '0.00:00:10.962' due to 'DelayedAck',Delivered

#5 Offline Guest_BackupAccount_* - Posted April 22 2023 - 12:51 PM

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Can you send the email to my other gmail account (in your pm)

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