I only recently started again with ant keeping.
I remember back in school, when I did all my ant science experiments, I was the bane of my biology teachers and my class mates called me "ant" and my room with the large formicarium "the ant cave". I have always been quite nerdy, and I have been used to being sidelined and laughed at and ignored or insulted since I can remember. I had a few friends at school, but it was mainly just a race to avoid many social pitfalls.
Today, I am working at a large biological laboratory company and the whole top floor is basically 50% nerds.
The non-nerds are teasing us (in a non-malicious way) and sometimes we are laughed at.
So when I told people at work that I had decided to start again with ant keeping, I got a whole range of reactions, ranging from interest and excitement to amusement, to bad jokes and only a few cases in disgust. In most cases, people just laugh at my crazyness.
I also know that my mum will not be thrilled about me doing "even more of my crazy stuff".
But why am I writing this?
I am actually quite shocked by a reaction I got from one colleague. We have some common interests, love nature and he recently started on breeding some Triops and other ancient crustaceans and I was very happy to share experience and lots of water plants from my cherry shrimp tank.
When I told him about my ant project and shared some pictures, I thought he would be happy that I also got into a new project and was so enthusiastic about these creepy crawlies. After all, we nearly had a burial ceremony for his pet tarantula!
I was utterly shocked and totally confused when his reaction was total disgust and he blatantly told me "leave me alone with these pests!"
This was so unexpected, I just stood there lost of words and dumbfounded.
How do you guys deal with aversion and antipathy and disgust for your hobby in your social environment?
Do you hide your hobby?
Do you avoid these people? Or ignore them?
Or do you try to educate them?
For example, at work, my direct colleagues sitting next to me first laughed, and said they would be much too afraid to be bitten, so I took up the challenge and made some pictures and a video of a major of my Messor barbarus on my fingers- the major did not bite at all, and even started preening. So I showed that these girls are harmless and gentle and not dangerous at all. I have even contacted the social media guys of my company who introduce employees and their pets on social media and suggested that I will share some of my pictures of my Messors, just to share some education and love.
I just get very ethusiastic about things I enjoy!
I would love to hear some experiences and opinions on this.
Here is one of these pictures I shared with my colleagues, btw: