Camponotus vicinus:
I caught about 10 of these queens. I will probably keep 2, one as a backup. These queens all have plenty of eggs and are very physogastric. They grow very slow, so I'm not expecting workers in a while.

Camponotus ca02:
I caught about 20 of these queens. They were everywhere, on the pavement and wood. These queens all have eggs as well. I bought one a bit before, so I am keeping her and another one as a backup. The queen I bought has larvae already.
Queen 1

Queen 2

Camponotus clarithorax:
I got 5 of these queens. I have two queens together in one, and a backup single queen just in case. They also have eggs.

Camponotus laevigatus:
This queen was originally miss-identified as vicinus black. I have one of these queens with a little batch of eggs and caught 2, sold one.

Camponotus essigi:
I caught 4 of these during the trip. I am keeping 2 of them. I really love the colors of this species, they are beautiful. The queens have eggs.
Queen 1

Queen 2

Thanks for checking out my journal!
Edited by AntsCali098, September 7 2023 - 11:24 AM.