Well, besides this small founder colony, for the past weeks, every day when the sun was shining, the colony inhabiting the herb garden on my balcony also was active.
Their foragers were basically scouting the whole of the balcony!
Now, with spring in full swing and unusually hot days, the balcony season has now started!!!
I moved my herbs and cacti and citrus back outside and also put up the balcony feeding station again.
I am going to try the protein powder again with these Lasius niger- they are wild ants, not spoiled inside pet ants, and maybe they will take it. I am curious.
This is a very nice opportunity to directly compare "wild" versus "inside pet" ants of the same species.

This Lasius niger colony lives somewhere in here, in the herb garden. So far, I did not have it in me to dig them out and see where exactly they are. I will just leave them be.

And this is the feeding station