Hi everyone.
I haven't been on in a while, but I was playing around with Markov Chains, and decided to try generating some texts using some myrmecological papers as a source. Here are some results:
Walking trails are often very direct, with a digital thermometer, and current weather conditions
(sky: clear, partly cloudy, or overcast). If rain was not common, and allogrooming was not common, and
allogrooming was not falling during a walk, we also estimated time since last
rain to the extent that species differ in army ants. BFL is a frequent and widespread occurrence, the
result of laboratory settings should help to illuminate the current puzzling problems. An
understanding of the captured brood. Ambiguus workers are a primary food item,
making up 80% of the requirements of the ancestral potential to produce the
observed distribution remain unclear. The characters we chose to measure may not
respond to changes in army ants. Minor workers from their own nests but instead
by physically interacting with them—but through a combination of early
colonization is relatively low. The fact that other factors, besides just
length, are playing a part in the Distribution of Crematogaster ashmeadi. Only 1
tree had another arboreal species Camponotus nearcticus, and 26 had other
various ground nesting ants such as desiccation (Hood and Tschinkel, 1990), or
preda-tion (Whitcomb et al., 1986).
Army ants at La Selva is a predicting variable was carried out their enlarged heads. 160 trees, several anomalous supersoldier-like in-stitution of dulosis: mixed colonies could affect emigration directions relative to function of cornmeal (S. Lozier, V. Roussenov, R. Sutton, D. Stammer, WCRP Informal Publication No. 9, ICPO Publication Series B to shape the mangrove ant colony: maintenance, foraging, husbandry of two the predictions stemming from established colonies eliminated each site selection should help protect the spermatheca was obtained by Couzin and was removed. In whole leaf bioassays, and Y. Sameshima, T. Flatt, G. R. Tschinkel, unpubl. data). These were performed at left. This article to four groups of raid and phenotypic expression of C. W. Eberhard, Developmental Potential Facilitates Parallel Evolution 48: 224–239. Pie MR, Traniello (2007). 30. L. curvispinosus and J. Jungclaus, A. texana is well ( Schneirla, 1971; Mirenda , 261 – 2 = 63.0, P = 10, p intercept = 1, fig. S1, and Tested Plant Species Atta texana Plants: Attack D.A. Waller Department of branches were collected between 1430 and seal the same branch. A cluster analysis sug- gests that is from founding is incorporated into This is still lacking. It is seen the evolution of advanced ant raids (Wilson 2003). 20. D. M. Giorgetta, U. Mikolajewicz, and periodic nomadic movements between species, are = 0 – 255. Tschinkel, un- publ.). This suggests that nearly all Atta texana. Ins. Soc. 77, 437 (1996). 23. Materials and a common ancestor of army ant Lasiusflavus on Thu, 29 emigrations are evident in this idea hinges on ant reinforcements at La Selva Sta. Maria, n = 13.5, p < 0.001 < 0.001, and distribution of the bait were quickly located and parasites. In: Breed MD, Michener CD, Evans HE, editors. The Ants were conserva- tive in a surrogate for the primary variable mutation penetrance in the same methods as an anonymous reviewer made for recolonizing trees might remove pathogenic micro organisms. Such behavior and required 36 workers. After defining characteristic of mass recruitment, and cross-validating the workers (MH Huang Macrotermes termites construct nests of army ant communities: colonization by increasing their largest perlite from on time at lower stress resistance and Conditions Agarita New leaves of longleaf pine saplings were under attack by the source population levels are generalists while a foundation by the fungal diet, and build upon a given day. Although Moser (1967) found that most nomadic movements of head modifications may allow females carefully lick the community in coordinating field study sites were highly specialized task of these habitats and claustral founding and small number of small discs removal of colonies were conserva- tive in the survival of this report describes simple techniques for each colony founding site, and emigration frequency of the colony foundation in 1984. The ants foraging behavior of whole leaf surfaces. Therefore, the workers might still contain (Q = 14.4814 (5, 5) ?>0.20). Toughness was sampled both facultative slave-maker Formica sanguinea displays a comparison between small discs (91 % galleried, 20.21. All use subject to cut with large polygynous colonies, but the forecasts are never attack in 1984. Moser (1967) found a profound effect of newly mated queens and widespread occurrence, the territorial aggression to the assumptions of some Atta texana (Buckley) (Moser, 1967; Echols, H. Pohlmann et al., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 23:669-807 (reprinted in the photographs of dead branches Branch diameter at Tiputini was reflective of army ant specimens into 70% ethanol whenever an area and soil pellet away from night-time periods, but the laboratory as described Pheidole in the acceptance of colony foundation attempts by an ant predators such as aliens and the field in (a). Each of the plant species living in P. rhea (fig. S9, R 2 = 3, 846 (2010). A. texana in P. Bhatkar and display their develop- ment but the majors must be repre- sent the primary food (11). This is published weekly, except for each colony. A comparison of large worker eclosure was left behind. As a patch size than C. Reed, R. & Herrick , R. Knight, C. ashmeadi, the largest major workers in a hole on July 4th, July and small areas where most tasks in head shape given the entrance. Whole small discs of mature pines of colony founding and 65% RH with perlite granules through obscuring leaf toughness of early in ant foragers in A. texana colonies in A. texana forages throughout the insensitivity of day, and formed a stress signaling. This report and 26 had mated. 4 (lower right). Successful colony foundation by the plastic surfaces of Honors in the previous studies by some patches of encounters of day ( Fig. 1. Mean toughness through the previous studies on the nest in the mean ± SD and we chose to be rejected in the abnormal growth forest sites. subterranean army ant diversity. While tropical forest . Blackwell , 1994 ). One pair of ways. First, the workers removed and temperature and the small discs, which are necessary for surviving incipient colonies all Pheidole ants at the standardised trail walk period. Opportunistic en- trance was not provide a predator of our results show the laboratory, which is absent in field in 1995. Atta texana also tend to D.E.W. DNA sequences of dulotic origins of L. Sutton , 54 , Powell S, Thesis, Florida State Park. The females were encountered at all, and direct. Pheidole in parentheses. The ant activity. The patchy nature coupled with foraging activity opportunistically when the National Science Foundation (BSR-8920710). We applied methoprene to sample size. Occasionally, Atta have monogynous yny is determined late March, 12% (range=0 - 35%) were cut by super majors collected at lower reproductive fitness and F) normal SD XSD (K and fungus, and night, two sides of heavy rainfall. Females of emigration behaviour is
Second, the relative abundances of raids most likely increases with the
predictions stemming from the Natural Environment Research Council and are
frequently found within the major worker castes of P. obtusospinosa, the
majority of Pheidole super majors switched effectively between passive head-
blocking were estimated using measurements of workers of Atta texana.
Zoologische Jahrbücher für Physiologie 87: 529–538. Gotwald WH Jr. 1995.
Army Ants: The Biology of Social Predation. Cornell University Press. Moreau CS.
2008. Unraveling the evolutionary divergence of soldier development. Application
of methoprene (a JH analog) to Pheidole larvae has been actualized at least four
army ant reinforcements at the front line of these ants are generalists while
others, such as Stenamma expolitum and S. alas build elevated nest entrances
that are closely related both mechanistically and functionally. For example,
embryonic lethality caused by the National Academy of Sciences of the three
sampling periods in 1996 was significantly less than 100 m away from practicing
interspecific dulosis: extended are entirely
indolent and do not even feed themselves but instead by physically interacting
with other ants in four forests: geographic variation in raid and emigration (fi
lled symbols). Dashed vertical line indicates approximate separation of daylight
(clear background) from night-time (shaded background) observations. and data
from a central stake. These polar coordinates from a minimum in EK (fig. S7),
which in turn is induced and (ii) this phe- notype is incorporated into the
curious mystery of dulotic origins is still lacking. It appear Japanese, Edo period (1603–1868) Rounded octagonal tsuba with raised
relief ants and live ex- clusively in the short space of time that hackberry new
leaves apparently become rapidly unpalatable to ant raids (Wilson 1971).
However, under more intense raids by army ants, less conspicuous and probably
far more numerous are the ants move as a defense mechanism in other derived (P.
hyatti) and basal (P. spadonia) Pheidole species have monogynous yny is commonly
encountered in the present study. Bioassay The field bioassay consisted of
presenting either whole, intact leaves or leaflets (W), small discs were cut
from fresh leaves to active ant entrances. Old leaves and hackberry trees are
the ants, 70% were rejected. Study Site and Ant Entrances All observations were
made during daylight hours, including two emigrations in the capture of brood
for slave purposes, as is seen in our systematic sampling occurred during cooler
night-time periods, but further temperature variation within time blocks ( F
1,111 = 0.56, P = 0.68).
Avoiding predation by army ants. In addition, a polydomous colony structure may
facilitate the adaptive and parallel evolution of phenotypes. T he wingless
worker caste, a universal fea- ture of ants at four Neotropical sites.
Systematic trail walk samples. Eight emigra- tions by E. burchellii foraging
behaviour Raids were encountered at four Neotropical wet forests and disturbed
lands ( McDade et al. 1980). Second, the only seven described Pheidole species
with a deficit of branches were brought together in the distribution of founding
nests was not manipulative and was only identified to genus). All four of the
bird and therefore to improved management. Colonies of C. nipponicus and
Cephalotes, however, the majors have extreme modifications in head width of 5m
to 20m, depending on forage availability. Twenty-one of these woodpeckers.
Because of its role in structuring ant com- munities of the population dynamics
of founding colonies is clumped among saplings. The occurrence of founding and
distribution of foundresses. The model was built by the workers began to groom
other individuals with higher stress resistance could modify mutation penetrance
in Caenorhabditis elegans. We used a transgene to overexpress the transcription
factor heat shock factor 1 (HSF-1), a master regulator of the presence of ants
are well known ( Franks & Bossert, 1983 ). Long-term observations of diurnal
emigra- tions were positively correlated at three of the daytime emigrations
that cross cleared trails are often very direct, with a 16 hr day/8 hr night
photoperiod, and were similar to a larger sample size of incipient colonies six
con- tained only a recent problem, other opportunistic ant predators such as
termites, employ highly specialized soldier workers with the nest can be
environmentally induced throughout the year is aggressive interference
competition that occurs both between incipient C. ashmeadi colonies, and provide
access to new foraging grounds, and they come into contact with each other. We
also asked whether the explanatory variable con- formed to the mating flight.
However, a careful count of regurgitated pellets showed that this skill arises
from a central stake. These polar coordinates were then analyzed by the raiding
army ants. Discussion Figure 2: Stages of the same species). In a study of the
emigrations that were seen during daylight hours, including two emigrations in
the intermediate filament protein gene ifb-1 reduced from 33% to 17% (48% of
animals that would have died were protected, P = 0.002; Sta. Maria, n = 10
species, are = 0.59, P = 0.46). The sky was clear during at least for the five
colonies sampled. Head width measurements were taken: tree height (m), DBH (cm),
number of live branches and branches This content downloaded from
Table 1. Mean toughness was 1.2 units tough in April, 2.3 units in July (see
Table 1). Agarita (Berber?s trifoliata) New whole leaves removed over time was
significant for whole leaves removed is not accurately reflected in the
transgenic animals with strains carrying diverse mutations that affect develop-
ment but with outcomes that de- pend on the plant with old leaves, and a sample
of that branch length because of chemical build-up or because of interindividual
differences in the lower right indicates 1 cm nearcticus (Emory) and Solenopsis
picta (Emory), and 73 trees showed foraging activity by various ground nesting
ant species, and foragers of ground nesting ant species, and beetles to genus.
The following data were pooled for all of these compounds. New leaves of many
plant species leaves measured 16.8 units and 2.1 units tough in March might have
been advanced to explain certain dulotic behav- iors, the inability of the
trail. Figure 1: Size range and then decreased as size class increased. In other
words, densities of C. ashmeadi peaked in the 12 – 18 cm dbh range and then
return underground immediately on the outer margin of pronotum down to the
ridges. The workers removed the perlite from the culture dish and dumped it
within two months as the obligate slave-makers. What is surprising, since the
likelihood that a queen to find another entrance into the nest, and the
following measurements were made during daylight hours, and some females were
collected between 25 September 2008 This is the northernmost member
of the front line of the University of Texas, Austin. BFL is a primary dominant
species (Cole, 1983; Savolainen and Vepsalainen, 1988; Hölldobler and Wilson,
1990; Tschinkel and Hahn and Tschinkel C. ashmeadi should be addressed.selection (3). Selection on P. obtusospinosa colony nested at the front line of these recurrent pheno- types
has been shown that environmental variation in nutrition (3) and experimentally
increasing nutrition (5) and mediated by JH, may be a difficult task to identify
temporal and abi- otic factors that could account for this difference:
emigration columns (one at BCI where most of the data analysis. Dishes were
collected between 11 June and 4 (Rettenmeyer , C.W . 1958 )
The beginnings of nomadic and group-predatory behavior in Amazonian Peru. A new
method of censusing animal populations: the number of queens on a particular
plant species leaves measured is indicated by background grey shading. Numbers
of army ant trails are often both softer and chemically different than mature
leaves, the selectivity that Cherrett observed might have had a chemical as well
( Swartz, 1997; Willson, 2003 ). However, emigrations are closely related both
mechanistically and functionally. For example, Rissing et al. Second, the data
analysis. Dishes were collected at a greenhouse on the role of habitat
requirements and nest-site availability in structuring ant com- munities of the
red-cockaded woodpecker (Picioides borealis) its workers are more likely to
contain the sought-after chambers. We considered the idea that branch length
because of interindividual differences in Neotropical army ant Eciton hamatum .
Physiological Zoology , 61 , 57 – 68 . Brady , S.G . ( 1945 ) The army-ant
behavior pattern: nomad – statary relations in the following measurements were
made during daylight hours ( Fig. 1 ; overall site encounter rate ( F 1,111 =
0.56, P = 0.68). After accounting for site and time (new Celtis leaves), or by
occurring patchily in space and time (new Berber?s leaves). Introduction Leaf-
cutting ants are quite extraordinary. The slave-makers conduct pirating raids on
Camponotus festinatus and Novomessor (Aphaenogaster) albisetosus often lead to
nest evacuation in Pheidole colonies. We discovered that this potential have
facilitated the parallel evolution of emigration behaviour, along with raiding
(for- aging) behaviour, at multiple sites that differ in the earliest, mid-March
bioassays, and were similar to a range of lengths of their emigrations
(Rettenmeyer, 1963; Kaspari, 1996; Vidal-Riggs & Chaves- Camponotus, 2008 ). First,
army ant trail by physical or chemical manipulation. Work by Couzin and Franks
(2003) has shown that the paper is properly attributed. Multi-phase defense by the
other, is extended to interspecific aggression and enslavement of brood, lead-
ing to the dominance of C. ashmeadi, the actual processes that drive site
selection at the time blocks (site × time block rate differences were
significant. The four sites differed in the hyperdiverse ant genus Stenamma
(Hymneoptera: Formicidae). Biotropica 37(4): 670–675. McDonald P, Topoff H.
1986. The development of a Neotropical Rain Forest . University of Arizona,
Forbes 410, Post Office Box 2100: (36), Tucson, AZ Abstract Army ants on baits
simultaneously. The distribution of incipient colonies. It is possible that this
trend may be less preferred than elm new leaves, and may be reduced at night. We
con- ducted a maximum of 16 queens on trees are interspersed among elm trees at
the base of a large Petri dish, and a coefficient of dispersion (CD) = 8.7, df =
3, p < 0.001) (Fig. 3), but was clump- ed (CD = 2.05, df = 2, n.s.). Incipient
colony distribution, summer 1996 Of the trees containing incipient colonies may
be less preferred than elm new leaves, but were purposely chosen in order to
minimize detection by army ants. Psyche 86: 115– 123. Chadab-Crepet R,
Rettenmeyer CW. 1982.Comparative behavior of leaf-cutting ants may be strong
selective pressure can be used effectively by other Pheidole species that were
seen during daylight hours, including two emigrations in the central mound each
spring prior to successful colony establishment. (Ancestral Developmental Potential Facilitates Parallel Evolution in Ants
Rajendhran Rajakumar et al. 2001). But the transition from this form to an ant
entrance. Whole leaf trials were repeated two days in a hierarchical manner
(Bell, 1990). Thus, newly mated queens. Trees were assigned to four mm long, as
Moser (1967) found in P. obtusospinosa. These anomalies would per- sist, because
colonies of C. ashmeadi are relatively large size of the con- clusions or
recommendations, are those of soldier development. Application of methoprene (a
JH analog) to Pheidole larvae has been actualized at least seven (54%) of the
symbol. The number of Eciton burchelli and ant-following birds . PhD
dissertation , University of Texas leaf-cutting ants. Journal of Insect Science:
Vol. 10 | Article 1 minor workers tried to assist majors by stretching out the
abandoned galleries created by wood-boring beetles in the nest entrance. Groups
of 4-6 army ants outside their nest comrades not by a hard substrate such as
Colobopsis nipponicus (Wheeler) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
I only took out page numbers and works cited lists.