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Scientific journals

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#1 Offline AttaMajor - Posted April 28 2023 - 4:31 PM



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I'd like to learn more about myrmecology, particularly the genetics of ants. Can anyone advise about scientific journals that are useful to that end? I've done a number of Internet searches without finding an obvious starting point. I'd also be interested in courses. The Field Studies Council does a lot of good entomology courses, but curiously, not on ants.

Thank you.


#2 Offline Zeiss - Posted April 28 2023 - 4:54 PM


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You can use Google Scholar for a generic peer reviewed article search engine. Otherwise, there are tons of journals out there that publish various topics. I would say it's easier to search specific topics you are interested in instead of reading through all the journals published at random for topics. 


I don't think there's a specific starting point you should be looking for, the best way to get into finding articles is just searching something that comes to mind, reading the article, and then the references they use at the bottom will take you further.

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