Not much new happening in the Walnut Empire...
they are still happily living in their piece of decorative bark in the outworld and still ignore the walnuts.
It is amazing that they are so happy with just such tiny spaces for their colony.
But then I knew from the beginning that they would never form large colonies and stay small.
They are active as ever, exploring and also like to check out the food options.
Since I am feeding them regularly, I do not get any feeding frenzies- only a handful of ants is into foraging at any given time.
I think to see more ants, I would have to feed them less.
Yes, I have read the scientific paper that these ants can survive in the lab during an experiment for 6 months (!!) without food.
But I am not sure if this might have to be regarded as borderline cruelty.
I think I stick with my feeding routine.
Today is Saturday, and this means FEAST DAY for all my girls, since I have time off work and can spend time watching the girls devouring their food.
I got some grasshoppers from the pet store, and tried them out with all my girls today.
I think they like it.