So I had ordered a tiny wooden nest from Foranto a few weeks ago when they had a sale.
I just love the looks of their wooden nests and some of them are truly works of art.
This wooden nest has arrived!
And it is beautiful. And very well made.
I hope when the Temnothorax colony grows, they make this at least one of their secondary homes.
I also got a red cover for it- it is magnetized and fits perfectly
I thought for making the space a bit smaller and cozy, I add some DRY vermiculite. Vermiculite is very light so the ants should have little problems shifting it about.
I connected it to the outworld right away, because this will give them some more opportunity to explore- after all, they are very inquisitive.
I used blue-tac to close the gaps- I am also using blue-tac for the connectors with my Messor colony, and so far, no issues (even if Messors are known to chew through anything). I reckon if the Messors leave it alone, the Temnothorax will not bother it, either.
Also, fruitflies again proved to be very popular with the Walnut Empire!