Hello everyone,
I am a new ant keeper from Germany.
I have always loved ants, since my childhood. In my youth, I even once kept a small Formica polyctena wood-ant colony in my room, in a large home-made formicarium (this was 30 years ago) with large outworld.
My grandpa was a bee-keeper, and friends with the local forester and I got a special permit and was able to take part (and win!) at the state science fair with my study and experiements on these ants.
Later, the ants were released savely back into the forest.
Now, fast forward 30 years, I am re-discovering my love.
During some completely random googling I stumbled on antkeeping and formicaria and since I had some space in my living room I decided to come back into the hobby.
I got a small Antstore starter kit and got myself a small established Messor barbarus colony from a friendly and helpful antkeeper.
I have been lurking on this forum and now I took the plunge.
I think it will be great for me to keep an ant journal and have some nice chats and healthy discussions with the members on here.
So "Hello everyone!" from Germany.
Here is a picture of my ladies doing their thing: