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How to give small ants sugars

sugars feeding small ants ants ant keeping

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#1 Offline AntTitan - Posted March 6 2023 - 9:36 AM


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Hey guys I need y'alls help again. What is the best way without purchasing the liquid ant feeders to give small ants their sugars. I currently have a small colony of tetramorium immigrans and they keep drowing in their honey, sugar or whatever i feed them. Because their colony is still small these unnecessary deaths aren't helping them. What are other things could I be using to help them get their sugars without risking having them drown. If you do have the liquid ant feeder towers that you can buy online would you recommend them to me?

#2 Offline antsriondel - Posted March 6 2023 - 9:47 AM


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You could always just soak a cotton ball with some sugar water. But, if you want some feeders that will be reusable unlike cotton, I would recommend ByFormica liquid feeders: https://byformica.com/collections/shop.

#3 Offline AntTitan - Posted March 6 2023 - 10:07 AM


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I've tried cottonballs but they just end up getting completely hard in a day or two. Can they still get sugars from it even if it's dried. But yeah ill check the liquid ant feeders out.

#4 Offline antsriondel - Posted March 6 2023 - 11:18 AM


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I've tried cottonballs but they just end up getting completely hard in a day or two. Can they still get sugars from it even if it's dried. But yeah ill check the liquid ant feeders out.

I replace my cotton balls every month or so. Even if they get hard they should still be able to absorb sugar water.

Edited by antsriondel, March 6 2023 - 11:18 AM.

#5 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 6 2023 - 12:13 PM


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There are old threads on here that describe how to make your own liquid feeders. Honestly, though, you ought to just buy some. They are totally worth it.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#6 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 6 2023 - 12:15 PM


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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#7 Offline Katla - Posted March 6 2023 - 12:38 PM


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Hey any suggestions on how to feed the when they are still in a test tube ? i got solenopsis fugax and have no clue what to feed them except fruit protein jelly 


#8 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 6 2023 - 2:41 PM


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Cut small squares of paper towel and put a drop of nectar to soak into it. Replace every few days.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#9 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted March 6 2023 - 2:52 PM


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Tiny drops of sugar water on wax paper work too. Al long as the drops are tiny, the ants will not drown, and it will last longer.

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8

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#10 Offline T.C. - Posted March 6 2023 - 5:56 PM


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I've tried cottonballs but they just end up getting completely hard in a day or two. Can they still get sugars from it even if it's dried. But yeah ill check the liquid ant feeders out.

No open food source will stay fresh?


#11 Offline antperson24 - Posted March 7 2023 - 5:32 AM


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Hey guys I need y'alls help again. What is the best way without purchasing the liquid ant feeders to give small ants their sugars. I currently have a small colony of tetramorium immigrans and they keep drowing in their honey, sugar or whatever i feed them. Because their colony is still small these unnecessary deaths aren't helping them. What are other things could I be using to help them get their sugars without risking having them drown. If you do have the liquid ant feeder towers that you can buy online would you recommend them to me?

You could buy a THA Liquid Feeder. I have one, and it seems to work well.

 Why keep ants that aren't found in your yard?

There are so many fascinating ants right were you live!

I disagree with the keeping/buying of ants that are not found in your area.


#12 Offline DRpepper - Posted March 7 2023 - 11:08 AM


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Hey guys I need y'alls help again. What is the best way without purchasing the liquid ant feeders to give small ants their sugars. I currently have a small colony of tetramorium immigrans and they keep drowing in their honey, sugar or whatever i feed them. Because their colony is still small these unnecessary deaths aren't helping them. What are other things could I be using to help them get their sugars without risking having them drown. If you do have the liquid ant feeder towers that you can buy online would you recommend them to me?

I have Tetramorium as well. the best way to feed them sugars it to feed them in very small drops. i usually use a toothpick and put a very small drop for them. once they reach a larger colony size I usually transfer them to nuts and don't bother with sugar. I find that they seem to love black walnuts,

#13 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 7 2023 - 12:52 PM


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I highly doubt any nut could replace liquid sugars unless you have a granivorous species.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#14 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 7 2023 - 12:54 PM


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Hey guys I need y'alls help again. What is the best way without purchasing the liquid ant feeders to give small ants their sugars. I currently have a small colony of tetramorium immigrans and they keep drowing in their honey, sugar or whatever i feed them. Because their colony is still small these unnecessary deaths aren't helping them. What are other things could I be using to help them get their sugars without risking having them drown. If you do have the liquid ant feeder towers that you can buy online would you recommend them to me?

You could buy a THA Liquid Feeder. I have one, and it seems to work well.
The byFormica feeders work far better than the THA ones.

Edited by ANTdrew, March 7 2023 - 12:55 PM.

"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#15 Offline antperson24 - Posted March 7 2023 - 12:59 PM


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Hey guys I need y'alls help again. What is the best way without purchasing the liquid ant feeders to give small ants their sugars. I currently have a small colony of tetramorium immigrans and they keep drowing in their honey, sugar or whatever i feed them. Because their colony is still small these unnecessary deaths aren't helping them. What are other things could I be using to help them get their sugars without risking having them drown. If you do have the liquid ant feeder towers that you can buy online would you recommend them to me?

You could buy a THA Liquid Feeder. I have one, and it seems to work well.
The byFormica feeders work far better than the THA ones.


Oh, I did not know there was much of a difference.

 Why keep ants that aren't found in your yard?

There are so many fascinating ants right were you live!

I disagree with the keeping/buying of ants that are not found in your area.


#16 Offline antperson24 - Posted March 7 2023 - 1:02 PM


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My T. immigrans colony really likes Sunflower seeds, but like ANTdrew said, it won't replace liquid sugars. 

  • ANTdrew likes this

 Why keep ants that aren't found in your yard?

There are so many fascinating ants right were you live!

I disagree with the keeping/buying of ants that are not found in your area.


#17 Offline Manitobant - Posted March 7 2023 - 2:23 PM


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To be fair, T. Immigrans will eat literally anything. I had a colony that ate chip crumbs, pieces of dog food and even chocolate easter eggs.
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#18 Offline antperson24 - Posted March 8 2023 - 7:15 AM


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To be fair, T. Immigrans will eat literally anything. I had a colony that ate chip crumbs, pieces of dog food and even chocolate easter eggs.

I agree with you. I don't think my T. immigrans colony has ever rejected anything I have given them!

 Why keep ants that aren't found in your yard?

There are so many fascinating ants right were you live!

I disagree with the keeping/buying of ants that are not found in your area.


#19 Offline CAantz - Posted March 8 2023 - 7:23 AM


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You could try giving your colony pieces of fruit. I gave my Camponotus Sansabeanus some melon and they really liked it. I’ve found that drops of nectar or sugar water dry out really fast.
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#20 Offline antperson24 - Posted March 8 2023 - 7:30 AM


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You could try giving your colony pieces of fruit. I gave my Camponotus Sansabeanus some melon and they really liked it. I’ve found that drops of nectar or sugar water dry out really fast.

I should try that. I always have a hard time getting my C. novaeboracensis colony to eat fruit, but I have not tried melon.

 Why keep ants that aren't found in your yard?

There are so many fascinating ants right were you live!

I disagree with the keeping/buying of ants that are not found in your area.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sugars, feeding, small ants, ants, ant keeping

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