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This is a website for anyone interested in Myrmecology and all aspects of finding, keeping, and studying ants. The site and forum are free to use. Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation points to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!


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5 replies to this topic

#1 Offline antperson24 - Posted March 4 2023 - 5:14 PM


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Just a little note of gratitude to everyone who helped make Formiculture possible! This is one of the few places I can talk about ants, which is something I truly enjoy doing. Quite a few  people seem to have a good deal of knowledge regarding ants, and I'm happy to report that in the few days I've been active here so far, I've already learnt a lot more than I knew before.  :D

  • ANTdrew, Locness and Ernteameise like this

 Why keep ants that aren't found in your yard?

There are so many fascinating ants right were you live!

I disagree with the keeping/buying of ants that are not found in your area.


#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 4 2023 - 6:02 PM


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You’re very welcome. We need more folks like you to help build the forum back up.
  • FinWins and antperson24 like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#3 Offline T.C. - Posted March 4 2023 - 7:45 PM


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The forum Era i think will be entirely gone soon. Communities of hundreds of thousands I was part of have died out. Formiculture has been strong due to a few loyal members but things and people change. I think at the current pace in a few years it will be dead. The course and communication of the hobby will and should change.
  • FinWins likes this


#4 Offline antperson24 - Posted March 5 2023 - 6:01 AM


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The forum Era i think will be entirely gone soon. Communities of hundreds of thousands I was part of have died out. Formiculture has been strong due to a few loyal members but things and people change. I think at the current pace in a few years it will be dead. The course and communication of the hobby will and should change.

Then how do you suggest people communicate about ants? If you are suggesting Discord, I do not think that is the way. I recently left a Discord server because it was so unorganized.

Edited by antperson24, March 5 2023 - 10:15 AM.

  • ANTdrew likes this

 Why keep ants that aren't found in your yard?

There are so many fascinating ants right were you live!

I disagree with the keeping/buying of ants that are not found in your area.


#5 Offline T.C. - Posted March 6 2023 - 5:54 PM


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Not discord. Something else. I think it could be created but at the sane time the hobby is so small it creates a small budget.
  • antperson24 likes this


#6 Offline Ernteameise - Posted April 4 2023 - 10:41 AM


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Well, I am also very happy I found this place.

I am not really a Discord person and although I am in an ant group on Facebook and Reddit, this is a wonderful place-

I agree, it is organized, you can search for stuff, and the display of information is much less random as if you would search, let's say, Reddit.

Thank you guys for keeping this alive.

Hope it will survive for a while longer, especially for old forum dinosaurs like me.

  • rptraut likes this

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