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Why has the shape of my larvae become straight? - Mymercia Nigrocinta

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#1 Offline theants12678 - Posted January 29 2023 - 1:27 AM



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The larvae of Mymercia Nigrocinta queen have become straight over the last 24 hours and I'm quite worried because this the second time that this has happened. On the first occasion that this happened the larvae who were straight (all of them) attempted metamorphosis with no cocoon. My queen threw the pupae out to die for some reason. i don't want the same thing to happen this time.


Could anyone please let me know why this keeps happening to the larvae?   


Thank you.


Attached is a photo: I currently have her in a tubs and tube set up.


#2 Offline Talabason - Posted January 29 2023 - 4:02 AM


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These are larva that failed to pupate or spin cocoon

It usually means there is lack of substrate or the queen did not cover the larva fully with substrate when it was trying to spin, it can occur when using test tube set up because test tube glass will prevent larva from spinning as it’s smooth

From looking at your set up you have plenty of substrate outside so either your queen is not covering the larva or it’s the test tube.

The way to prevent this use a ytong or gypsum nest. Their surface will help larva spin

This happens a lot in ponera species being founded in test tube set up

Edited by Talabason, January 29 2023 - 4:04 AM.

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#3 Offline theants12678 - Posted January 29 2023 - 3:01 PM



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Hello I might be able to deal with that. I have ordered an Empire of Ants Grass and Stone outworld. If I connect the queen's tube to it, do you think  she will bring the substrate inside?    P.S the outworld is coming today.

Edited by theants12678, January 29 2023 - 3:33 PM.

#4 Offline Talabason - Posted January 29 2023 - 3:41 PM


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Hello I might be able to deal with that. I have ordered an Empire of Ants Grass and Stone outworld. If I connect the queen's tube to it, do you think she will bring the substrate inside? P.S the outworld is coming today.

The problem is not the outworld. The nest it self should be made from gypsum or ytong or types of material. Sometimes the larva will pupate normally inside test tube set up but it all depends on luck and if your queen will help cover the larva fully. Just keeping feeding her so she will lay more and more chance of larva successfully pupating

#5 Offline theants12678 - Posted January 30 2023 - 2:56 AM



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Thanks @Talabason - do you think it would be more likely to cover the larvae fully if there was sand inside the tube?

This is the second time that the larvae have failed to spin cocoons. I am not really sure what to feed her that would best help her to lay eggs? I normally feed the queen honey, and for the larvae, I usually give them small spiders or small crickets. Please let me know if I should feed them anything else?

Also, is it true that the queen will probably only lay 3 batches and if all have failed then she might die? I’ve heard this but don’t know if that’s right.

I appreciate your help in helping me solve these problems. 🙂🙏🏻

#6 Offline Talabason - Posted January 30 2023 - 3:11 AM


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These are semi claustral queens so as long as you keep feeding her sugar and proteins she will continue to lay

Fully clautrals queen will likely fail if her first batches of eggs all die
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#7 Offline theants12678 - Posted February 1 2023 - 10:47 PM



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Hello what do you think could help the larvae cocoon and what should I feed them? I really hope that the queen will cover the eggs/ larvae in the future. Let me know if I should do anything else - thank you 🙏🏻

Edited by theants12678, February 1 2023 - 10:52 PM.

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