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Problems with hibernation

hibernation help!

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#1 Offline GeoAnts - Posted February 1 2023 - 6:57 PM



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Hey Guys,


I live in Utah and we have had a crazy winter- I keep my ants in my garage as it has pretty good insulation and I keep them in insulated boxes. I have never had problems with it, for the two years I have used it as most of the time the coldest it will get is like 15 degrees here in the winter (fahrenheit) maybe once or twice a winter. Last night though, it dropped to about 1 or 2 degrees fahrenheit and my ants water reservoirs froze in their setups. I took the colonies inside, as most of my queens and small colonies were lying on the floor seemingly frozen. I know that they often can recover from this though, and due to ants brilliant resiliency most of my colonies and queens survived. I screwed up, and I will figure out a new system to hibernate my ants. But in the meantime, as my ants are awake should I place them back into hibernation?? We are still in the middle of winter and I want to give them the hibernation necessary but don't want to mess them up even more if I put them back into hibernation and it messes them up. I probably could have handled this a little better, but I'm learning- so any advice for if this happens again and how I could have handled this better is very welcome.



Geo Ants



Currently kept colonies: Camponotus cf. hyatti, T. immigrans

Current queens: Formica sp. Camponotus laevissimus, Lasius americanus, Camponotus cf. herculeanus, and soon more to come!

#2 Offline T.C. - Posted February 1 2023 - 11:00 PM


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You should have left them in the garage. I leave mine in the garage during -20 temps here with no issues.  If you put them back out when it's so cold, you take a huge gamble on killing them. If you can put them in the fridge to finish their hibernation term.

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