The Birth of a Empire
I removed my L. neoniger queen from my 45°F wine cooler she was in since late October. Fixed her a new test tube as the one she was in was getting moldy, added some substrate to make it feel more natural and give her some say over how she founds, and left her in a cooler room of my house (63° during the day, drops to ~60° during the night). I’ll leave her in here for 2-3 days before I bring her upstairs to my 68° bedroom for a further 2-3 days. This is in hopes of letting her adjust and wake up from diapause before introducing her to my foam box heating cable setup that averages around 75° F but fluctuates up to 78° to 70°. She’s founding so I’ll check on her in a month for anything of note. I’m founding her in an AntsCanada test tube filled with 2/3 water, 1/3 space and substrate. I gave her substrate to mimic a natural habit and keep her calm when founding, and have a test tube sleeve on her tube to block light. Name suggestions are always welcome, too. Thank you for stopping by!
Expected update time: 3-10-23