Just wanna say Yoooolooooo! 
I'm a new member and this topic is quite interesting.
I just want to say that I'm on FB recommending folks to this forum very often. I also belong to some big tarantula groups and trying to get some interested in the hobby. I figured that since a lot of them have heat and bugs for their tarantula, they got most of the requirements covered so it's easy to get them onto the hobby, not to mention their groups have 30k+++ members.
Anyhow, some of my thoughts as to why things are on the decline, added on to some of the great points that you guys already made:
The Economy and Decline in mental health and happiness in the world. The Pandemic got people all spaced out. Massive amounts of corruption and BULLshhhh in the world. Me, personally, that stuff makes me want to keep to myself and lay low. I get totally antisocial some days. Prices are high, pay is bleh, it feels like the beginning of the end or worse and people are stressed out dealing with life when they see little light at the end of the tunnel. So they're busy trying to muster up the strength to even wake up, so jumping on a forum is not on the high list. People are on facebook because facebook has many different groups gathered onto one, though I'm currently in a few ant groups, they're kinda weak with only a handful of people that actually reply.
As for me, I definitely get into the emo mode often, especially in the last couple of years. However, I do get on my hyper super chit chatty mode.
So the plus side is, I'm here to drive you guys crazyyyyyy
but also hopefully provoke some thoughtful conversations. With some word of mouth, I'll try to convert and bring folks from other pet keeping hobbies on board.
I object to declining or removing kids, I think it should depend on the quality of their posts rather than their age. Kids do get influenced by good adults. Ignoring them will only cause us trouble later on.
I also am wondering if you can make a massive Q n A section of all the basic ant questions. That way, if someone asks a basic question, you can go "See this link HERE, question 25" and use the rest of your reply/energy to adding anything else you want to add. The Q n A section will answer questions in a very short, to the point answer(s) but will link to other sections of the forum with elaborations in case they want to in more details. Like "how can I heat my ants?" ...reply "Please see link HERE, question 13. Personally, I prefer the space heater because so and so etc". The answer would be something brief like "heat cable with thermostat for safety, see HERE for elaboration". This would cut down on the wearing nature of RE-answering basic questions. This way, the main question is mostly covered and you get energy and time to add in any extra details you might want. OR you can just respond to them in full if you choose. I mean, this idea is to be revised, but it's a thought