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Formiculture dying... or already dead?

#formiculture #dying #dead

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#81 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 3 2023 - 9:53 AM


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I am a mod, but Dspdrew has final word on care sheets. If you type one up, send it to him, and he can post it.

I put my money where my mouth is and wrote up a proposed caresheet for Veromessor pergandei. I also put a copy in my journal.
Now I will have to review my other colonies and see what else I might feel confident enough to write about. It's funny how making mistakes and fixing them actually qualifies one to write better care guides.
P.S. I do dread all the people piling on and yelling, "You're doing it wrong!" I wrote on FB about lightly boiling frozen insects (stops crickets turning black and kills stuff) and got "corrected" by someone saying uncooked is best. Well YEAH it's more natural and yeah probably better, but I'm DONE with hitchhiker grain mites and I don't want to risk parasites.
Whatever, they can have their trash mites. I flash boil EVERYTHING I feed my ants.
  • OhNoNotAgain and Ernteameise like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#82 Offline Ernteameise - Posted July 3 2023 - 10:03 AM


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I am a mod, but Dspdrew has final word on care sheets. If you type one up, send it to him, and he can post it.

I put my money where my mouth is and wrote up a proposed caresheet for Veromessor pergandei. I also put a copy in my journal.

Now I will have to review my other colonies and see what else I might feel confident enough to write about. It's funny how making mistakes and fixing them actually qualifies one to write better care guides.

P.S. I do dread all the people piling on and yelling, "You're doing it wrong!" I wrote on FB about lightly boiling frozen insects (stops crickets turning black and kills stuff) and got "corrected" by someone saying uncooked is best. Well YEAH it's more natural and yeah probably better, but I'm DONE with hitchhiker grain mites and I don't want to risk parasites.


FB groups are the worst.

I have been told several times that I was an animal abuser (for different animals) for just writing my professional opinion as a vet.

Once burned, twice shy.

Now I just smile and nod and keep my thoughts to myself.


I also do what is recommended here and shortly put my feeder insects into boiling water.


But yeah, I know, the BARF crowd. As a veterinary parasitologist, BARFing your dog is for me like having a field day.

Do not get me even started.

And yes, I am aware that parasites are natural, but so is cholera, salmonella and ebola.

  • OhNoNotAgain and bmb1bee like this

#83 Offline Barristan - Posted July 3 2023 - 11:09 AM


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The problem is that some people don't accept other opinions, but they can't provide any evidence why their way of doing things is the best, so they just call you animal abuser.

I told one guy that most ants don't need living plants in the outworld, he just did not want to hear it and called me an animal abuser for keeping my ants not appropriate. Another discussion was about collecting winged ant queens. I said that sometimes they might drop wings later so if you find a lonely queen with wings of an ant species you are looking for it might be good to give it a chance: "No collecting queens with wings is bad, your behavior is bad for the environment"

But it is not only a problem in the ant keeping community there are so many [censored] in any kind of internet communities...

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#84 Offline Ernteameise - Posted July 3 2023 - 1:54 PM


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The problem is that some people don't accept other opinions, but they can't provide any evidence why their way of doing things is the best, so they just call you animal abuser.

I told one guy that most ants don't need living plants in the outworld, he just did not want to hear it and called me an animal abuser for keeping my ants not appropriate. Another discussion was about collecting winged ant queens. I said that sometimes they might drop wings later so if you find a lonely queen with wings of an ant species you are looking for it might be good to give it a chance: "No collecting queens with wings is bad, your behavior is bad for the environment"

But it is not only a problem in the ant keeping community there are so many [censored] in any kind of internet communities...


I keep other animals.

I have been part of many different communities.

You are right about that- you find the same type of people EVERYWHERE. Cats, birds, fish, ants.... you name it.

And you just cannot argue with them.

One of the reasons "I have been" part of the groups and left, because if I want stress and people swearing at me, I go to work. Do not need that type of attitude during my free time.

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#85 Offline antsriondel - Posted July 3 2023 - 2:23 PM


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The problem is that some people don't accept other opinions, but they can't provide any evidence why their way of doing things is the best, so they just call you animal abuser.

I told one guy that most ants don't need living plants in the outworld, he just did not want to hear it and called me an animal abuser for keeping my ants not appropriate. Another discussion was about collecting winged ant queens. I said that sometimes they might drop wings later so if you find a lonely queen with wings of an ant species you are looking for it might be good to give it a chance: "No collecting queens with wings is bad, your behavior is bad for the environment"

But it is not only a problem in the ant keeping community there are so many [censored] in any kind of internet communities...

I entirely agree. 

  • Barristan and Ernteameise like this

#86 Offline Yourbasicantkeeper - Posted July 4 2023 - 4:12 PM


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The problem is that some people don't accept other opinions, but they can't provide any evidence why their way of doing things is the best, so they just call you animal abuser.

I told one guy that most ants don't need living plants in the outworld, he just did not want to hear it and called me an animal abuser for keeping my ants not appropriate. Another discussion was about collecting winged ant queens. I said that sometimes they might drop wings later so if you find a lonely queen with wings of an ant species you are looking for it might be good to give it a chance: "No collecting queens with wings is bad, your behavior is bad for the environment"

But it is not only a problem in the ant keeping community there are so many [censored] in any kind of internet communities...

I entirely agree. 



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"I am here on Earth, and I am only a speck of sand in the desert, a blade of grass in a field. I am no greater than any one of these busy ants who build for each other's comfort. " - King Solomon


Currently keeping: Myrmecocystus Depilis, Pogonomyrmex Rugosus


Wishlist: Camponotus Ocreatus

#87 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 4 2023 - 7:50 PM


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The problem is that some people don't accept other opinions, but they can't provide any evidence why their way of doing things is the best, so they just call you animal abuser.

I told one guy that most ants don't need living plants in the outworld, he just did not want to hear it and called me an animal abuser for keeping my ants not appropriate. Another discussion was about collecting winged ant queens. I said that sometimes they might drop wings later so if you find a lonely queen with wings of an ant species you are looking for it might be good to give it a chance: "No collecting queens with wings is bad, your behavior is bad for the environment"

But it is not only a problem in the ant keeping community there are so many [censored] in any kind of internet communities...

I entirely agree.
If you agree with a post, just hit the like button. The one word posts add nothing to the forum.
  • bmb1bee and Ant-nig321 like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#88 Offline BleepingBleepers - Posted July 9 2023 - 11:09 AM


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Just wanna say Yoooolooooo! :lol:


I'm a new member and this topic is quite interesting.


I just want to say that I'm on FB recommending folks to this forum very often. I also belong to some big tarantula groups and trying to get some interested in the hobby. I figured that since a lot of them have heat and bugs for their tarantula, they got most of the requirements covered so it's easy to get them onto the hobby, not to mention their groups have 30k+++ members.


Anyhow, some of my thoughts as to why things are on the decline, added on to some of the great points that you guys already made:


The Economy and Decline in mental health and happiness in the world. The Pandemic got people all spaced out. Massive amounts of corruption and BULLshhhh in the world. Me, personally, that stuff makes me want to keep to myself and lay low. I get totally antisocial some days. Prices are high, pay is bleh, it feels like the beginning of the end or worse and people are stressed out dealing with life when they see little light at the end of the tunnel. So they're busy trying to muster up the strength to even wake up, so jumping on a forum is not on the high list. People are on facebook because facebook has many different groups gathered onto one, though I'm currently in a few ant groups, they're kinda weak with only a handful of people that actually reply.


As for me, I definitely get into the emo mode often, especially in the last couple of years. However, I do get on my hyper super chit chatty mode.


So the plus side is, I'm here to drive you guys crazyyyyyy  %) but also hopefully provoke some thoughtful conversations. With some word of mouth, I'll try to convert and bring folks from other pet keeping hobbies on board.


I object to declining or removing kids, I think it should depend on the quality of their posts rather than their age. Kids do get influenced by good adults. Ignoring them will only cause us trouble later on.


I also am wondering if you can make a massive Q n A section of all the basic ant questions. That way, if someone asks a basic question, you can go "See this link HERE, question 25" and use the rest of your reply/energy to adding anything else you want to add. The Q n A section will answer questions in a very short, to the point answer(s) but will link to other sections of the forum with elaborations in case they want to in more details. Like "how can I heat my ants?" ...reply "Please see link HERE, question 13. Personally, I prefer the space heater because so and so etc". The answer would be something brief like "heat cable with thermostat for safety, see HERE for elaboration". This would cut down on the wearing nature of RE-answering basic questions. This way, the main question is mostly covered and you get energy and time to add in any extra details you might want. OR you can just respond to them in full if you choose. I mean, this idea is to be revised, but it's a thought :D

  • antsriondel and Ernteameise like this

JOURNAL: Camponotus CA02 - First Time At Ant Keeping CLICK HERE

JOURNAL: Ectomomyrmex cf. astutus - Ant Species #2 CLICK HERE

#89 Offline Ernteameise - Posted July 9 2023 - 12:49 PM


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Anyhow, some of my thoughts as to why things are on the decline, added on to some of the great points that you guys already made:


The Economy and Decline in mental health and happiness in the world. The Pandemic got people all spaced out. Massive amounts of corruption and BULLshhhh in the world. Me, personally, that stuff makes me want to keep to myself and lay low. I get totally antisocial some days. Prices are high, pay is bleh, it feels like the beginning of the end or worse and people are stressed out dealing with life when they see little light at the end of the tunnel. So they're busy trying to muster up the strength to even wake up, so jumping on a forum is not on the high list. People are on facebook because facebook has many different groups gathered onto one, though I'm currently in a few ant groups, they're kinda weak with only a handful of people that actually reply.


As for me, I definitely get into the emo mode often, especially in the last couple of years. However, I do get on my hyper super chit chatty mode.


Hey, I can see myself in this- I am pretty similar personality-wise.

I am so happy I found back into the ant world, because in the recent months, my ants were what kept me sane and helped me with some personal and work crises.


Otherwise, you make some good points and suggestions.

And I also have been recommending this forum on different FB groups.

#90 Offline BleepingBleepers - Posted July 9 2023 - 2:05 PM


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Anyhow, some of my thoughts as to why things are on the decline, added on to some of the great points that you guys already made:


The Economy and Decline in mental health and happiness in the world. The Pandemic got people all spaced out. Massive amounts of corruption and BULLshhhh in the world. Me, personally, that stuff makes me want to keep to myself and lay low. I get totally antisocial some days. Prices are high, pay is bleh, it feels like the beginning of the end or worse and people are stressed out dealing with life when they see little light at the end of the tunnel. So they're busy trying to muster up the strength to even wake up, so jumping on a forum is not on the high list. People are on facebook because facebook has many different groups gathered onto one, though I'm currently in a few ant groups, they're kinda weak with only a handful of people that actually reply.


As for me, I definitely get into the emo mode often, especially in the last couple of years. However, I do get on my hyper super chit chatty mode.


Hey, I can see myself in this- I am pretty similar personality-wise.

I am so happy I found back into the ant world, because in the recent months, my ants were what kept me sane and helped me with some personal and work crises.


Otherwise, you make some good points and suggestions.

And I also have been recommending this forum on different FB groups.


I've always wanted to keep ants and having kept them, I know why.


It's like therapy. And ants actually do stuff and there's so many of them too!


My family doesn't want me around? That's fine, I got my Ant Family to watch :wacko2: !


Ants be like "shut dap and gimme sugar water, fool! 3:) "


In the end, we're actually just another ant soldier working for that fat queen :D


Got me sold!

JOURNAL: Camponotus CA02 - First Time At Ant Keeping CLICK HERE

JOURNAL: Ectomomyrmex cf. astutus - Ant Species #2 CLICK HERE

#91 Offline dspdrew - Posted July 14 2023 - 8:36 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

I've been going through a major family disaster for the last 2 months and have been extremely busy. I'm hoping things will be somewhat normal again in the next month or two.


As for the image upload limit, I don't think anyone ever made any requests to have that raised. I'll raise it up a bit. Once I get the forum moved over to the new server, I can probably raise it up a lot more.

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#92 Offline dspdrew - Posted July 14 2023 - 9:25 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Well I looked at the settings and you should be able to upload 5GB in images. The entire gallery is only taking up 7.35GB, so I'm not sure how there could be multiple people hitting the limit. Can anyone tell me what error you are getting?

#93 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 15 2023 - 2:18 AM


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I've been going through a major family disaster for the last 2 months and have been extremely busy. I'm hoping things will be somewhat normal again in the next month or two.

As for the image upload limit, I don't think anyone ever made any requests to have that raised. I'll raise it up a bit. Once I get the forum moved over to the new server, I can probably raise it up a lot more.

I’m really sorry to hear that, Drew. I hope you can pull through and find better days ahead. Thanks again for all you do for the forum.
  • dspdrew, antsriondel, AntsCali098 and 2 others like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#94 Offline Ernteameise - Posted July 15 2023 - 2:41 AM


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I've been going through a major family disaster for the last 2 months and have been extremely busy. I'm hoping things will be somewhat normal again in the next month or two.


As for the image upload limit, I don't think anyone ever made any requests to have that raised. I'll raise it up a bit. Once I get the forum moved over to the new server, I can probably raise it up a lot more.

I also wish you and your loved ones all the best and lots of strength

  • dspdrew, ANTdrew and Virginian_ants like this

#95 Offline dspdrew - Posted July 15 2023 - 3:52 PM

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Is it possible you guys are referring to the size of the individual image? If so, I can raise that limit.

#96 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted July 19 2023 - 4:44 AM


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I've been going through a major family disaster for the last 2 months and have been extremely busy. I'm hoping things will be somewhat normal again in the next month or two.


As for the image upload limit, I don't think anyone ever made any requests to have that raised. I'll raise it up a bit. Once I get the forum moved over to the new server, I can probably raise it up a lot more.

So sorry to hear this Drew! I’m sending you all our prayers that you and your family find strength, a full resolution, and peace. 

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#97 Offline DevinTheAntKeeper - Posted July 19 2023 - 6:11 PM


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Answer drews question yall

#98 Offline antsriondel - Posted July 20 2023 - 7:19 AM


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Is it possible you guys are referring to the size of the individual image? If so, I can raise that limit.

I think they are talking about the amount of megabytes you get as a user post photos.

#99 Offline Propo.Fol - Posted August 25 2023 - 10:21 AM



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Well I looked at the settings and you should be able to upload 5GB in images. The entire gallery is only taking up 7.35GB, so I'm not sure how there could be multiple people hitting the limit. Can anyone tell me what error you are getting?


So as a new user who was just going through this I had seen a limit of around 100mb somewhere and thus assumed that would get used up super quick and found an external solution.  After reading this thread and seeing the higher limit, I went back and found what I had seen/assumed to be the image limit::



Note it says a 97mb limit for "attachments."  I'm guessing this is what people are thinking of?  It is what I assumed, although now I realize "Gallery" and attachments are separate categories.  But literally a week ago I was trying to figure out how to post photos, saw that "attachment" limit, decided that would use up too quick and went to another hosting site. Oops!  :facepalm:


As to the rest of the thread, I just wanted to say almost everyone here is kind and helpful and polite.  I've learned so much going through both old and new threads and have derived a lot of fun devouring people's excellent journals both old and new.  So just thanks for making this community a thing and keeping it going all these years!


On a related note, while I use and value discord, it breaks my heart that discord has come to displace a lot of community engagement from forums.  Every hobby I am involved with has seen noticeable drawbacks in forum activity as people move to discord (or other alternatives).  I am genuinely concerned about a loss of information in all of these hobbies. So much content exists only behind private discord server walls, which aren't picked up by internet archives the way sites like this one would.  The sort of semi-private nature of discords really leads to community fragmentation as well.  I know change is inevitable but here's hoping hobbyist forums, like this one, never completely go out of style  (y)

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#100 Offline dspdrew - Posted August 26 2023 - 6:55 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Thanks for clearing that up. I have increased the global upload limit from 100MB to 1GB now. Don't make me regret it. :warning:

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