Not a lot going on here to report. The Queen is back on egg laying again and the colony seems to be doing well. She never swells but keeps a steady pace up for months on end, then takes a 3-6 week break. Not sure on how long she pauses, but both times the brood pile will shrink down to maybe 4-6 late stage larvae/pupae before I notice more starting to show up again.
The trash pile during such times turns into mostly dead ants, kind’a gross, but for as big as the pile of dead gets you can’t really tell the colony has shrunk in numbers.
Here they had two clutches next to each other. One on the wall above, one on the mesh of the water tower below it.
on the mesh below
Edited by Full_Frontal_Yeti, March 12 2025 - 11:12 AM.