There haven't been many atta journals here, so here we go!
About 2 weeks ago, I traded off some ants and nests to my friend for this small Atta mexicana colony. Originally, they were in a deli cup with dirt, but after I received them they ate almost all their fungus. I'm guessing the stress of shipping didn't help, and for the first week or so, they didn't really collect any of the leaves or flowers I offered them. I got a small fungus refill from a friend and gave it to them, hoping they would grow it.
About a week ago, I ended up moving them into another deli cup with an ultracal bottom, and connected a foraging area for them. The next morning, I saw that they had begun to move small leaf bits into the nest for the first time. They have been taking a liking to bramble and these little golden flowers I received a while ago.
Today, their fungus has grown a ton! They take in several leaf bits every night, and have grown their fungus maybe 4-5x the size of the original fungus boost. What's interesting is that they have formed little chambers in the fungus, one of which the eggs and larva are nestled in.

The queen is around 22mm long, for size reference.

Edited by AntsAmerica, January 17 2024 - 10:55 AM.