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AntsTopia's Sea Monkey (brine shrimp) Journal

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#21 Offline AntsTopia - Posted December 30 2022 - 5:00 PM


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Incredible journal!


Alr let me know when u do
Are you in Florida?
Yes I am you can see on my profile
I do not see where your location is set to Florida.. I just see your age.
Very strange...

I use the mobile website, not the app or the full browser website so that may have something to do with it

Ohhh, alr.

Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#22 Offline AntsTopia - Posted December 31 2022 - 3:42 PM


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Unexpected delivery! Pictures:talk more tomorrow.

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Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#23 Offline Ant-nig321 - Posted December 31 2022 - 4:04 PM


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Wow, i can not see them are they tiny or it'sthe eggs?. also happy new year!

Edited by Ant-nig321, December 31 2022 - 4:06 PM.

#24 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 1 2023 - 6:51 AM


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They are extremely tiny at this time in their lifetime. There is hundreds of them now in the tank but they are tiny so you can't really see them. In about a month they will get to about an inch in length if fed properly. Happy new year to you too!

Edited by AntsTopia, January 1 2023 - 6:53 AM.

Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#25 Offline Ant-nig321 - Posted January 1 2023 - 7:34 AM


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Oh...what do you feed them?

#26 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 1 2023 - 11:33 AM


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Plankton pellets. So apparently those white things in the photo are actually food pellets inside of the egg packet. The eggs never hatched last night. Now I have like 20-35 baby brine shrimp. They hatched in the morning. Here is the life cycle of brine shrimp.
Cyst, breaking stage, emerging embryo enclosed, newly hatched nauplii (with yolk), differentiation (malting), adult, riding pair (don't make it weird), Nauplii/cyst bearing female. If u understand a word I said you are the next Einstein. Anyway we have stages 2, 3, and 4 currently. I'll update the journal when they get bigger. Thanks everyone for following this weird gaster journal.

Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#27 Offline gcsnelling - Posted January 1 2023 - 1:20 PM



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One inch would be Godzilla size. 8-12mm more like it.

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#28 Offline Ant-nig321 - Posted January 1 2023 - 5:47 PM


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I understand!
Cyst:like in their egg form
Breaking stage:emarging from the egg when in the water
Emarging embryo enclosed:?
Newly hatched nauplii:living in baby form
Differentiation:male and female
Molting, I think:undergo several molting which increase in size
Riding pair:they go and find mates
Cyst bearing female: pregnant brine shrimp

NOTE:all the above writing are guesses.

#29 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 1 2023 - 9:54 PM


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The differentiation is actually baby to adult process where they molt but beside that, you’re Einstein’s brother I suppose.

Babas have grown much bigger! Yeah so now they are
about 3-4 mm growing very quickly! Within hours!

Edited by AntsTopia, January 1 2023 - 9:55 PM.

Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#30 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 3 2023 - 5:31 PM


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So turns out they get 1.5 centimeters in size (length). I caught one of the young brine shrimp molting into a bigger version of itself which is kinda cool. So this aquarium and eggs are actually called Aqua Dragons. I ordered Sea Monkeys yesterday and I am going to perform a test on which is better. Aqua dragons or Sea monkeys? What do you guys think? They are all marketing terms for brine shrimp but still I want to know which has better eggs and better brine shrimp overall. I'll let you guys know what my results are, however I will continue to update this journal on the "Aqua Dragon" colony we have here.
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Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#31 Offline LowQualityAnts - Posted January 4 2023 - 6:54 AM


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I'm pretty sure they are both the same thing.
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#32 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 8 2023 - 8:17 AM


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Yes however they have different methods and containers and I'm doing a expirment on which is better. However i already saw and aqua dragons hatch much faster while sea monkeys took 3 days. Also the sea monkey container had like 3 sea monkeys over the course of 4 days. Anyway, aqua dragons has a problem guys. They are overpopulation standards. They are not breeding they are just eggs from the packet 9 days ago. Therefor since sea monkeys has 2 or 3 sea monkeys in their tank I took half of the aqua dragon tank population with a water asporator and dumped them into the sea monkey tank. So we have 60 aqua dragons on one side and 60 on the other. Also they are much bigger in size. Like I'm talking 5 or 6 mm. Anyway I'll update back when we have adults! Right now we got teenagers.

Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#33 Offline antsriondel - Posted January 8 2023 - 8:24 AM


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Do you have pictures of them?

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#34 Offline Ant-nig321 - Posted January 8 2023 - 9:13 AM


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What if the other sea monkeys hatch in the tank? Woudn't they be crowded or populated in it?And maybe cannibalise.
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#35 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 8 2023 - 9:18 AM


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Do you have pictures of them?

Yes I'll be posting today at 2 or 3.

Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#36 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 8 2023 - 9:20 AM


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What if the other sea monkeys hatch in the tank? Woudn't they be crowded or populated in it?And maybe cannibalise.

They hatch in the tank but that's why I split them up. Sea monkeys do not eat each other they are strictly herbivores and eat dead things.

Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#37 Offline rptraut - Posted January 9 2023 - 12:18 AM


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The pellets that you feed your sea monkeys, or plankton as you called it, is primarily algae.  If you place your sea monkey container under grow lights you can grow your own algae in the container that the sea monkeys will eat.  I enjoyed watching mine go up and down cleaning the glass.  If you start the aquarium well before you add the sea monkey eggs, you can have an established algae food source ready and waiting for them.  I raised them until they overpopulated the container.  To avoid this, split them up as they get crowded and keep their water on the cool side and oxygenated.  I would use a bubbler stone in a sieve on the water surface so you don't create undo water currents and cause a sea monkey merry-go-round.  Cool water holds oxygen better than warm water and I would put the bubbler on a timer to run for an hour a day or as you think necessary.  


Your sea monkeys are probably Artemia nyos, a type of brine shrimp.  Do you know what the aqua dragons are called?   

Sea monkeys are a salt water creature and need to live in something like sea water.  I found a suitable mixture was to add 1 Tablespoon Sea Salt and 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda to a liter of untreated water, I used well water or rainwater.  I enjoyed watching mine go through their life cycles but I didn't use a bubbler and under the plant lights in the summer they got too hot and ran out of oxygen in the stagnating water.  Until that point though, I really enjoyed watching them and they certainly added interest to my plant stand.  If you want another challenging prehistoric creature to raise, look up Triops.

My father always said I had ants in my pants.

#38 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 14 2023 - 8:49 AM


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Hi everyone, sorry for the late update. the two aquariums are doing great! The sea monkeys still have some growing to do as well as the Aqua dragons. Aretima Nyos is the aqua dragons and the sea monkeys are actually Artemia Salina. I think if they breed they actually create a bigger version of themselves. Like I am talking 4 or 5 Centimeters. Anyway we'll find out soon enough. I am using the mixture that you gave me, Rptraut, thanks. The sea monkeys and aqua dragons seem happier inside the mixture. I also ordered a triop kit 2 days ago so I'll make a journal now on that. Thank you everyone for following this journal again.
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Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#39 Offline AntsTopia - Posted January 14 2023 - 8:51 AM


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Here's some pics, sorry for the crappy pics.

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Is it just me that likes the look of ant brood? It just reminds of you how well an ant colony is doing. 

#40 Offline antsriondel - Posted January 14 2023 - 11:08 AM


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Here's some pics, sorry for the crappy pics.

Nice! They really are small!

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