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Stateside Ants Buying Ants in the US

stateside ants ants buying ants

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#1 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted December 19 2022 - 9:31 PM



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Stateside Ants has permits to import hundreds of species of ants native to the United States. We are willing to buy ants, preferably in higher numbers (10+). Let us know if you're looking for someone to take some extra colonies or queens off your hands! We have permits to get ants from all continental states. If necessary and worthy of a heat pack, we can provide one.


Suppliers also get a 30% discount from any purchases on ants in the store. 


You can message us here or info@statesideants.com. You can also fill out a supplier form at this link

Edited by AnthonyP163, January 22 2025 - 9:42 PM.

  • NicholasP and cooIboyJ like this

Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing

Statesideants.com - order live ants legally in the US


#2 Offline T.C. - Posted December 22 2022 - 9:56 PM


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I feel as if there should be a target range vendors pay for certain species.  I had two people reach out to me (Not Anthony) and offer rock bottom a$$ prices.  I think specifically one offered below the $5 mark for Camponotus species colonies I had. I mean I understand wanting to make a profit, but c'mon. 

Edited by T.C., January 21 2025 - 10:27 PM.

  • United-Ants and GOCAMPONOTUS like this


#3 Offline Zhuge - Posted January 21 2025 - 3:59 PM


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Stateside Ants has permits to import hundreds of species of ants native to the United States. We are willing to buy ants, preferably in higher numbers. Let us know if you're looking for someone to take some extra colonies or queens off your hands! We have permits to get ants from all continental states. If necessary and worthy of a heat pack, we can provide one.


Suppliers also get a 30% discount from any purchases on ants in the store. 


You can message us here or info@statesideants.com. You can also fill out a supplier form at this link

Hi Stateside Ants.

I was wondering if I could sell my Camponotus Floridanus colony to you. I am a noob ant keeper and I am worried they will escape. Thanks for your time!

All i've got is worthless gold.  :facepalm:

#4 Offline AntsND - Posted January 22 2025 - 8:52 PM



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Stateside Ants has permits to import hundreds of species of ants native to the United States. We are willing to buy ants, preferably in higher numbers. Let us know if you're looking for someone to take some extra colonies or queens off your hands! We have permits to get ants from all continental states. If necessary and worthy of a heat pack, we can provide one.


Suppliers also get a 30% discount from any purchases on ants in the store. 


You can message us here or info@statesideants.com. You can also fill out a supplier form at this link

Hi Stateside Ants.

I was wondering if I could sell my Camponotus Floridanus colony to you. I am a noob ant keeper and I am worried they will escape. Thanks for your time!


Try contacting them on their email address on their website :) or give them a text

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#5 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted January 22 2025 - 9:42 PM



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Stateside Ants has permits to import hundreds of species of ants native to the United States. We are willing to buy ants, preferably in higher numbers. Let us know if you're looking for someone to take some extra colonies or queens off your hands! We have permits to get ants from all continental states. If necessary and worthy of a heat pack, we can provide one.


Suppliers also get a 30% discount from any purchases on ants in the store. 


You can message us here or info@statesideants.com. You can also fill out a supplier form at this link

Hi Stateside Ants.

I was wondering if I could sell my Camponotus Floridanus colony to you. I am a noob ant keeper and I am worried they will escape. Thanks for your time!


We typically buy only in quantities of 10+, and we're not looking for C. floridanus right now, but thank you for offering them!

  • Zhuge likes this

Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing

Statesideants.com - order live ants legally in the US


#6 Offline Zhuge - Posted January 23 2025 - 7:47 PM


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ok thanks  (y)

All i've got is worthless gold.  :facepalm:

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: stateside ants, ants, buying ants

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