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For my next substrate setup i have kept for couple of years a double window glass about 1 meter tall and 60 cm wide and 2 cm thick, now the question would be how to maintain it, what substrate but obviously What (id like to pronounce that in a sort of Americana way Whuat) what species should it inhabit ? I'm not considering the camponotus species neither the serviformica. If you people have any suggestions, ideas to share about next week i can share more details about that "Window".
For my next substrate setup i have kept for couple of years a double window glass about 1 meter tall and 60 cm wide and 2 cm thick, now the question would be how to maintain it, what substrate but obviously What (id like to pronounce that in a sort of Americana way Whuat) what species should it inhabit ? I'm not considering the camponotus species neither the serviformica. If you people have any suggestions, ideas to share about next week i can share more details about that "Window".
Maybe a pheidole or pogonomyrmex species?
Idonot keep any of these species, i was more considering one that i already keep and if possible one with a interesting nest room setup style.
For my next substrate setup i have kept for couple of years a double window glass about 1 meter tall and 60 cm wide and 2 cm thick, now the question would be how to maintain it, what substrate but obviously What (id like to pronounce that in a sort of Americana way Whuat) what species should it inhabit ? I'm not considering the camponotus species neither the serviformica. If you people have any suggestions, ideas to share about next week i can share more details about that "Window".
Maybe a pheidole or pogonomyrmex species?
Idonot keep any of these species, i was more considering one that i already keep and if possible one with a interesting nest room setup style.
maybe the Camponotus fedschenkoi?
i Guess the Fedschenkoi could show me some particular chamber structure as i have yet not seen any wild pictures of any of their nests
I should be back sunday so i can share with you some pictures of the window setup
For my next substrate setup i have kept for couple of years a double window glass about 1 meter tall and 60 cm wide and 2 cm thick, now the question would be how to maintain it, what substrate but obviously What (id like to pronounce that in a sort of Americana way Whuat) what species should it inhabit ? I'm not considering the camponotus species neither the serviformica. If you people have any suggestions, ideas to share about next week i can share more details about that "Window".
Maybe a pheidole or pogonomyrmex species?
Idonot keep any of these species, i was more considering one that i already keep and if possible one with a interesting nest room setup style.
Maybe your iridomyrmex then?
The Iridomyrmex seem to be very destructive as they just plainly cut down anything above ground for heating purpose, but yes they would be also a nice subject for a substrate setup, should i set up a pole to vote ?
For my next substrate setup i have kept for couple of years a double window glass about 1 meter tall and 60 cm wide and 2 cm thick, now the question would be how to maintain it, what substrate but obviously What (id like to pronounce that in a sort of Americana way Whuat) what species should it inhabit ? I'm not considering the camponotus species neither the serviformica. If you people have any suggestions, ideas to share about next week i can share more details about that "Window".
Maybe a pheidole or pogonomyrmex species?
Idonot keep any of these species, i was more considering one that i already keep and if possible one with a interesting nest room setup style.
Maybe your iridomyrmex then?
The Iridomyrmex seem to be very destructive as they just plainly cut down anything above ground for heating purpose, but yes they would be also a nice subject for a substrate setup, should i set up a pole to vote ?
i will take pictures of the nesting part, the glass window it self with all measures and make schematics of what i intend to add as substrate levels
For my next substrate setup i have kept for couple of years a double window glass about 1 meter tall and 60 cm wide and 2 cm thick, now the question would be how to maintain it, what substrate but obviously What (id like to pronounce that in a sort of Americana way Whuat) what species should it inhabit ? I'm not considering the camponotus species neither the serviformica. If you people have any suggestions, ideas to share about next week i can share more details about that "Window".
Maybe a pheidole or pogonomyrmex species?
Mentioning the Pogonomyrmex as harvester ants, i also think of my Messor cephalotes who could show interesting room structures
On a larger scale i entend at some point to aquire a salt water fish tank to use as a terrarium for some Honey Pots, I'm starting on drawings for the natural look of ot and substrate plant setup
On a larger scale i entend at some point to aquire a salt water fish tank to use as a terrarium for some Honey Pots, I'm starting on drawings for the natural look of ot and substrate plant setup
On a larger scale i entend at some point to aquire a salt water fish tank to use as a terrarium for some Honey Pots, I'm starting on drawings for the natural look of ot and substrate plant setup
If you have a drawing ready I'd be interested to see it. I see the drawings more as concept art than a plan cause plans evolve as you go along.
I'm passionate about terrarium designs especially if you're gonna use it for an interesting species.
Once i am happy with my sketches i will gladly share them here ! it is indeed more of a concept as it is planned for a far future, for now at least.
For now i can share with you my near future project of a formicarium based in a window, the measures are as follows 80 cm tall and 45 cm wide the spacing in between panels is 1.8 cm.
The sides are glued with rubber and some Aluminium reinforcement, i made soem marks as you can see some time ago where i thought to drill for hydration and connections, the top is already cut open.
And here is my first ever terrarium setup i had made for my Myrmecia before she decided to get complicated, by now it has grown a succulent jungle and seems for fit for some tropical subtropical species (that i am not really fund of to be honest) i might rework the whole tank at some point just wanted to share that with tou all.
the plants where tiny when i settled them in
So here an update on my several colonys,
As stated all my endemics and semi endemic except S.Fugax are in hibernation
Formica Sanguinea, Rufa, Fusca,
Camponotus Cruentatus, Aethiops,
All these are kept in a room that tangles in between 5 to 14 C°, in polyester boxes (tell me if youd like some pictures of that setup)
For my Exotics now
Camponotus Fedshenkoi and Myrmecia Nigriscapa (which has to catch up on hibernation) are in a closet in my bedroom at 10 to 16 C°
The Myrmecia seems to have slowed down and isn't scared of any observation any more just sitting in her test tube. The Camponotus are still quite active in the nest it self but don't forage anymore.
The Irydomyrmex Purpereus, Messor Cephalotes, Atta Sexdens, M.Placodops, M.Mexicanus (Yellow founding Queen) are still kept at 23 to 28 C°, as is the Solenopsis Fugax
The Purpereus have had a nice brood evolution and now rush out at any feeding time to swarm upon what is given to them.
Atta Sexdens still growing no have completely filled the bowl i gave them for the fungi who by the way has a brownish color (i don't know if that is usual to the species or depends on given material)
Messor Cephalotes still keep their bread nice and moïste packed with the young brood which has doubled in eggs, i can still see a large larvae. I do never see them foraging when inspecting but do find some clues of them exploring and moving seeds and substrate arround the foraging tub.
Myrmecocystus Placodops had during my absence the birth of a replete ! and couple of larvae and some brood going.
The Yellow M.Mexicanus seems infertile eggs still not evolving and the boosted worker died.
The Acromyrmex didn't use all leaves available and only picked some, they now thrive on what id call musli oat, apple peel and core and raisins (yep no more leaves available here and the one i can forage they just won't take) so the fungi did not grow during my leave. Worker count seems to have risen as they now pack all over the fungus and forage at the same time.
The non exotic S.Fugax now has about 4 workers (can't really tell as i don't properly see into the tube) nice pile of young larvae and eggs, 4nice adult larvae. They have now made a tunnel through the substrate from the chamber back to the tubes main chamber so i gave them some jelly for sugar and protein as i don't have any spring tails nor other ant brood to offer.
All seems slow but still going on, so keep calm and drink nectar.
Well i won't say "i told you" because i didn't, but with my self i did. The meat ants exploded as i personally predicted, my thoughts where that the second chamber would be filled at the end of the week and the brood would about double. Here we are compare with last pic i made of their setup.
Also my Placodops did enjoy some protein and larvae developed pretty fast this week
I will want to move the Placodops into a mini hearth so i decided to let the tube dry for now, I'm just worried they won't be able to move their replete into the nest. Also looking towards moving the Meat ants into a real nest once this second chamber generation hatches or giving them a bigger tube if I'm not sure they'd fill the nest.
Hello everyone
Wanted to share some of the last changes with some of my ants. Everyone is well except my Myrmecia who died of unknown causes on christmas night, so did my second mexicanus queen just after she started laying a lot of eggs. Well that sugar mom got fed to the purpereus who got some chill time because they are exploding. The Iridomyrmex are now back in the warm i only intend on not feeding them to much protein to decrease brood, i placed a new 25mm plaster test tube in the tank and they moved the same night. Brood has risen again so we are on diet time, sugars only for now but i might move them to a flat THA nest. My messor Cephalotes are growing as well they take any protein i place in there, last big meal consisted of a raw chicken leg Bone and they where at it in second to completely clean it up. It gave me some desert lifestyle vibes as they wood get any protein source available in their arid habitat, they are starting to make a very small mess with their secretion tagging the walls but all fine for now. All formicas and Camponotus are in hibernation for at least still a month.
PS: I'm having trouble moving my Placodops from their plaster test tube to their new mini hearth.
Your setups are very admirable and I appreciate your attention to the details.
Thank you again, i kinda feel like i would love doing that professionally
Here is the box setup with the flat THA nest, but lookign at the decor i made i feel like it is better suited for the Placodops !!
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