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Cold Blooded Creaturae Megathread

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37 replies to this topic

#21 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted September 11 2023 - 11:45 AM



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Hello everyone, I'm back on a lighter note. I'm here to announce some very important things after a long time of inactivity. I hope you guys like them. Basically, a little bit over a year ago, I launched Cold Blooded Creaturae to the public. This was on September 5th and now it's September 11th. There's been a lot of ups and downs this year, many of which were due to my own fault. But, now that the changes have been implemented, I hope to start again, a new year, a new me.


So, here's the announcements. I feel like it's time after so long, to release new products. These releases have been in the works for quite a while, and now with practically every machine and tool I use is tuned in, it's time. The release dates for these will be October 1st. The releases will feature new Hydrostone formicaria and some 3D printed objects too. The releases are as follows:



  • 3D Printed Founding Nest (Small)
  • 3D Printed Founding Nest (Medium)
  • 3D Printed Founding Nest (Large)
  • Horizontal Nest Pack (Small) (Releasing New Sand Molded Designs and Glass Lid Option)

Misc. 3D Printed Objects:

  • 3D Printed Test Tube Racks (16mm, 18mm, 20mm)

Reptile Equipment:

  • 3D Printed Snake Hide (Small, Medium, Large)
  • 3D Printed Feeder Tongs (Small, Medium, Large)

There's a possibility for there to be preorders arranged a week before the release, I'm not sure yet if I want to do that though, I'll keep you all posted on it though. And over the next few weeks, I'll be doing some sneak peaks of the products. If you have any questions, you can PM me here or contact me through our discord server: https://discord.gg/9eGuDjaR. Thank you for your time and have a good day.

- Cold Blooded Creaturae


#22 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted September 28 2023 - 8:24 PM



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Hello everyone. I had printer issues around a week back that popped out of nowhere. Turns out that the current for some important parts of the motors for the movement mechanism overtime had been lessening because of a screw getting looser. The issues have now been fixed but it cost me a lot of time. So unfortunately, the releases will have to be pushed back by at least a week or at max two. I hope by the time they're released you guys are impressed. That's all for today. See ya.

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#23 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 1 2023 - 11:46 AM



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Coming soon...

Attached Images

  • Safe Affordable Aspirators for All.png

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, November 1 2023 - 12:31 PM.

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#24 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 17 2023 - 12:27 AM



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It's here! High quality aspirators are now available on my website! For those of you wondering what an aspirator is, here you go!

An aspirator is a tool used for safe and ethical collection of insects and bugs both in the field, and in captivity. These are very versatile in use as you can even use them for aspirating queens during nuptial flights or almost any other application that involves insects and bugs. Our aspirators are made out of high quality Seamless 6061 Aluminum Tubes of 1/4 Inch (6.4mm) OD with a wall thickness of 0.04 Inches (1mm) to help protect your aspirators from heavy impact with rocks and other heavy and strong objects. We also 3D print the Rubber Plugs and Test Tube Adapters (16/20mm Tubes) out of flexible TPU Rubber Filament with our own 3D printers. The mesh is made of Stainless Steel Mesh to filter out large particles and insects/bugs from getting to where you're breathing. With the product you also get Flexible Latex Tubing to be able to easily manipulate your aspirator any direction you want. We then also provide you the option of the collection unit where the bugs and insects will be deposited into during aspiration. The two options are Borosilicate Glass Test Tubes (Compatible with our Test Tube Adapters) and/or Plastic Snap Cap Vials. And finally, we have the Gas Filter, this greatly helps filter out the much finer particles and protects your lungs much more instead of just having the Stainless Steel Mesh which many competitors still only do. We hope to bring a HEPA filter option very soon and are actively working on making it happen to provide an even safer experience for everyone.

Go check them out if you've been needing a new one or want to get one for a great affordable price. Pricing for these is $15.93! For more information go check out: https://coldbloodedc...nsect-aspirator

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#25 Offline antsriondel - Posted November 17 2023 - 7:29 AM


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Hey, just curious, when will you be selling 3d printed ant nests? 

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#26 Offline Full_Frontal_Yeti - Posted November 17 2023 - 9:49 AM


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do you have any image/video of this in use?
My brain is having a hard time processing this image into how I use it.



If i disconnect the green tube form the aluminum pipe where it looks like my mouth should go, then the filter is in the middle of the in hose which would seem to prevent bugs from going in the collection tube.
If i disconnect the green hose from the filter(putting the filter tip in my mouth) so the in hose has no blocks, the suction hose seems like it would be way shorter than we'd normally use.
But maybe i'm just not seeing it right in my mind's eye to model the use correctly form the above image?

Thanks for any time and attention you can spare,

#27 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 17 2023 - 10:24 AM



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Hey, just curious, when will you be selling 3d printed ant nests? 

Yep! 3D printed nests are the new releases coming up in a few days. You'll probably be seeing teasers for the new line today or tomorrow. I'm planning on releasing a giant array of new stuff from now to Thanksgiving.

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#28 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 17 2023 - 10:28 AM



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do you have any image/video of this in use?
My brain is having a hard time processing this image into how I use it.



If i disconnect the green tube form the aluminum pipe where it looks like my mouth should go, then the filter is in the middle of the in hose which would seem to prevent bugs from going in the collection tube.
If i disconnect the green hose from the filter(putting the filter tip in my mouth) so the in hose has no blocks, the suction hose seems like it would be way shorter than we'd normally use.
But maybe i'm just not seeing it right in my mind's eye to model the use correctly form the above image?

Thanks for any time and attention you can spare,

Hello! I can setup a youtube video to assist with these questions today. These aspirators are used in the way where the latex tubing is merely attached on the long aluminum tubing to assist with ease of carrying the aspirator around by hanging it on one's neck. When the aspirator is in use, the latex that is just slightly connected to the long aluminum tubing should be detached from it and the long aluminum tubing is the part that should be making contact with the ants to aspirate them into the collection unit. If you have more questions, feel free to ask. I'll be working on the video today and will hopefully have it uploaded by tonight.

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, November 17 2023 - 10:43 AM.

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#29 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 21 2023 - 9:51 AM



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I have the Aspirator instructional video ready. Unfortunately it's too cold and late in the year to get colonies outside for an example. I'll probably update it next year though to show workers of colonies and nuptial flight queens being aspirated. The video be releasing tonight most likely. And I have a teaser for today...

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, November 21 2023 - 9:54 AM.


#30 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 21 2023 - 9:16 PM



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Tomorrow we're going to start a Black Friday/Thanksgiving/Cyber Monday sale! Stop by as I put up the sale tomorrow around 12PM EST!


#31 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 22 2023 - 1:29 PM



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The Black Friday sale is now ongoing! 20% off sitewide for all products. Go stock up on some products! I'll hopefully have the teaser for some products uploaded by tonight. Have fun shopping around, and if you have a question or need anything, feel free to reach out to me! Happy shopping.


Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, November 22 2023 - 1:31 PM.


#32 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted December 25 2023 - 12:37 AM



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Hello everyone, thank you all so much for the support. We're closing off the year strong and getting products moving out the door again, this hasn't happened for a good while. Amazingly, most of the orders have only been aspirators. The amount of aspirator orders in such a short period has been astounding, I've never had something like this with any other product, but I'm so glad it was a hit with the community.


On the topic of aspirators, I've received several requests from people in the Southern states of the US asking for a larger version of the insect aspirator with a wider aluminum tube, and I told them that it may happen depending on how well received the smaller variant aspirators are which are better for smaller species of ants. As you can tell, it certainly was a hit, so there will be a new larger variant of aspirator! The only thing changing is that the tube will be instead of 1/4" (6.4mm) Outer Diameter, it'll be increased to 3/8" (9.6mm) Outer Diameter and most likely with the same 1mm thickness wall. I do want feedback though whether that variant is too small to be a larger variant and if so whether it should be 1/2" (12.7mm) Outer Diameter. I appreciate community feedback and always enjoy hearing your opinions. It's also come to my attention that the aspirator instructional video never went to "Public" mode on my Youtube channel! I'll be fixing that within the next few days and I apologize for that.


On another topic, in a few days I'll be uploading Saint Jude Donation receipts to close off the year strong. 5% of all sales made on my site goes to Saint Jude, it's not a large number, but overtime it really accumulates, and I'm proud to be doing this.


If you'd like to contact me more directly about anything where I'm frequently active on, here's the discord server to do so: https://discord.gg/GcaNynawuu

Once again, thank you all for your support, Merry Christmas.


#33 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted September 28 2024 - 5:09 PM



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Coming soon...


Safe Affordable Outworld Feeders.png


#34 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted September 29 2024 - 8:21 AM



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Welcome everyone! The time has come, Outworld Feeders are now available on the website at 20% off! For those of you wondering about details of the product, here you go!


Outworld Feeders are items that are used to place food items on into the outworld for ants without creating a mess on the surface of the outworld. These are multi-purpose and can be used with both liquids and solid food items. Our Outworld Feeder is extremely easy to place and remove because of the flat sides we've added to make them easy to pick up. 100% water proof and a smooth ironed base of the feeders for ease of cleaning.


  •     Small: 20mm x 15mm x 5.04mm
  •     Medium: 40mm x 30mm x 7.59mm
  •     Large: 80mm x 60mm x 15.17mm

Go check it out if you've been needing affordable and high quality Outworld Feeders! Pricing for these is $0.20-1.77! For more information go to: https://coldbloodedc...outworld-feeder


Outworld Feeder 1.png

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, September 29 2024 - 8:24 AM.


#35 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted October 26 2024 - 5:59 PM



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Coming Soon...


Safe Affordable Aspirators for All (Insect Aspirator V1.1).png


#36 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted October 27 2024 - 10:16 AM



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Small update before product release. We have a logo now that will be used for shipping boxes and on our website! Hopefully you guys like it. It's a Lasius plumopilosus specimen from a picture of mine that's been edited down.


Cold Blooded Creaturae Logo.png

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#37 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted October 30 2024 - 6:55 AM



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Hello everyone! We've been extremely happy with how our V1 of the Insect Aspirator was received. But with it we received feedback and advice on things to change to make our product better.

Our motto is to not stagnate and sit on old ideas, instead, innovate those old ideas and pave the way for a better future for the whole industry. So, we took the feedback and advice and aimed to create an improved product.

We present to you our Insect Aspirator V1.1. It has an improved Test Tube Adapter to prevent insects from getting trapped between the plug and the adapter. And we've also added a Flexible Tubing Adapter to improve cleanliness. And lastly, we've created a manual (link in our product description) on how to use the aspirator.

Pricing for these is $12.05! And once the sale is over, it'll go up to $15.06.

People who've purchased the V1 Insect Aspirator prior to 10/27/24 are eligible to receive the V1.1 aspirators at a greatly reduced price, contact me via email before 11/27/24 to be able to claim this offer.

To kick off this coming week, we have a spooky surprise for Halloween. 20% off sitewide for all products until 11/1/24!

This company wouldn't exist without the support of you guys, and I am truly grateful for all the support I've received from so many people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Down below you can find the link to the Insect Aspirator V1.1, if you're on the fence of getting one, go buy one! We're always willing to help out beginners.

For more information go to: https://coldbloodedc...irator-v1-dot-1


Insect Aspirator V1.1 Image 1.png

Edited by ColdBloodedCreaturae, October 30 2024 - 6:55 AM.

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#38 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 1 2024 - 9:29 AM



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Cold Blooded Creaturae now ships internationally! This has been made possible by everyone's great support, thank you so much for supporting us, it's very appreciated.


Flat rate shipping to all countries is $20 USD via USPS First Class Package International.


Shipping times may take 1-3 weeks per country.


Spinning Globe (Black).png


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