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This is a website for anyone interested in Myrmecology and all aspects of finding, keeping, and studying ants. The site and forum are free to use. Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation points to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!


Cold Blooded Creaturae Megathread

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#1 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 12 2022 - 9:37 PM



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Hello all you fabulous ant keepers and welcome to the Cold Blooded Creaturae Megathread! Here you will find all your antkeeping needs and so much more. Here we will update with developments we make in our nests, new releases, coupons, and any ants we have for sale. Stop by our website Cold Blooded Creaturae to see what we have and while you're at it why not check out our Youtube channel Cold Blooded Creaturae - YouTube? There we post content about all our new reptile additions and about all our other little critters like ants! Link to the website will be down below!


Cold Blooded Creaturae


#2 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 13 2022 - 8:43 PM



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15 minutes left to the Veterans day sale! Get our high-quality nests now before the sale ends!


#3 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 16 2022 - 2:32 PM



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Isopods and springtails coming soon! Go check out the site when they're released and purchase these bioactive creatures for your bioactive terrariums at prices that can't be beat! But until then, go checkout our website now and see if we have any nests for your ants.

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, November 16 2022 - 2:34 PM.


#4 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 18 2022 - 9:13 PM



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We're in search of suppliers for ants! Unfortunately, we can only take in ants from Michigan but hopefully some day we'll be able to take some in nationwide! Contact us through our website Cold Blooded Creatuae. Thanks for your time!


#5 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 19 2022 - 3:48 PM



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We have now added a donation option on our website. Any donations are greatly appreciated as a way to supplement our income to help us keep going and growing as we receive little outside help. Please consider donating to us and helping us out so we can keep doing what we love. More details at the link itself. Thanks.


Donation Link:

Ants (coldbloodedcreaturae.com)

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, November 19 2022 - 3:50 PM.


#6 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 24 2022 - 8:57 PM



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Hello, my fellow ant keepers! We're throwing a Black Friday sale of 20% off everything with 2 flash sales of 30% off throughout the day at random times! There will only be 2 flash sales and we will show how many have occurred throughout the day on our website at the top on the home page. The flash sales only last 30 minutes each. You don't want to miss all these sweet deals and new additions! The sale starts at Midnight EST this Friday and the sale ends at Midnight EST on Saturday. So, what are you waiting for!? Go and check it out and take a look at what we have!


Cold Blooded Creaturae


#7 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 25 2022 - 10:09 AM



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Our first Black Friday flash sale is going on now! Everything is off 30% for 30 minutes so it ends at 1:40 PM EST. GO GETTEM!


Cold Blooded Creaturae

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, November 25 2022 - 10:19 AM.


#8 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 25 2022 - 8:10 PM



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Our LAST Black Friday flash sale is going on now! Everything is off 30% for 30 minutes so it ends at 11:40 PM EST. GO GETTEM as this is the last flash sale for Black Friday!


#9 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 26 2022 - 12:07 PM



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The sale has been extended until Cyber Monday due to misunderstandings of the Black Friday Sale End Time. Check out the website for info about when the sale ends! Remember, 20% off sitewide!


Cold Blooded Creaturae


#10 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 28 2022 - 9:40 AM



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Today is the end of the Black Friday-Cyber Monday sale at Cold Blooded Creaturae. There will be only one flash sale today. Keep checking the website frequently. Happy Cyber Monday.


#11 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted November 28 2022 - 6:14 PM



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The Cyber Monday Flash Sale is ongoing on our site until 9:30 EST! 30% off everything until then!


Cold Blooded Creaturae


#12 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted December 6 2022 - 11:29 AM



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I can now start taking shipments from Canada. I'd recommend contacting me directly if you're shipping to Canada even if you put the order through my site just to confirm some stuff with any Canadian customers to avoid potential shipping issues. Thank you everyone for your purchases and have a great December!


Cold Blooded Creaturae


#13 Offline ANTdrew - Posted December 6 2022 - 2:39 PM


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I would just pick one thread to put your announcements on.
  • T.C., OiledOlives and TheGreatAlate like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#14 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted December 11 2022 - 3:03 PM



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Tis the season to be jolly. And so why not make you and your ants jolly this wonderful Christmas month by getting our easy-to-use nests that are visually appealing, tested with several ant species, and highly economical nests at 20% off? That's right. From now until 12/19 at Midnight EST we are having our Christmas sale for ALL our products! Come check out our website and purchase something. Your purchases help us continue running our business, help us rehome animals, and keep providing you the products that so many of you love! So, what are you waiting for? Go shop today before it's too late!


Cold Blooded Creaturae

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, December 11 2022 - 3:23 PM.


#15 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted December 26 2022 - 3:23 PM



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While our Christmas sale has come and gone that does not mean the fun has ended. We have released a brand-new product. Test tube feeder inserts to be exact! The purpose they serve is that they're a platform for ants in test tubes to eat from, but they minimize mess in the test tube. So, come on and check it out! See if you need some, especially at the low price of $0.50! See you there.

15MM Test Tube Feeder Insert

Attached Images

  • Untitled design.jpg
  • Untitled design (1).jpg

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, December 26 2022 - 3:25 PM.


#16 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted January 6 2023 - 11:30 AM



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3D printed products are down right now for limited stock. The amount we have in stock currently will be displayed on our site. Our printer has just experienced a hickup with a "Hot End Heater Error" so we're unable to print more products until we receive a replacement hotend from the company that made the printer. We apologize for the inconvenience.


#17 Offline antsriondel - Posted January 6 2023 - 1:59 PM


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ColdBloodedCritters, on 06 Jan 2023 - 7:30 PM, said:

3D printed products are down right now for limited stock. The amount we have in stock currently will be displayed on our site. Our printer has just experienced a hickup with a "Hot End Heater Error" so we're unable to print more products until we receive a replacement hotend from the company that made the printer. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Oh no, hopefully you get that replacement hotted soon. 

#18 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted January 6 2023 - 3:45 PM



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antsriondel, on 06 Jan 2023 - 9:59 PM, said:


ColdBloodedCritters, on 06 Jan 2023 - 7:30 PM, said:

3D printed products are down right now for limited stock. The amount we have in stock currently will be displayed on our site. Our printer has just experienced a hickup with a "Hot End Heater Error" so we're unable to print more products until we receive a replacement hotend from the company that made the printer. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Oh no, hopefully you get that replacement hotted soon. 


Yeah. Hopefully. It's almost Chinese New Year though and it's the weekend so I probably won't. I have thought of a solution. It might kill me but it's worth a shot since I need to still pump out test prototype nests and test how long they stay strong against water and make molds for sand chambers. I'm going to use octoprint to monitor the printer while it's printing and if it goes above my safe temp of 205C I'll shut off the printer.

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#19 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted January 19 2023 - 6:03 PM



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I have finished a mold for a 4x6 inch nest now and am offering a whole nest pack of this medium sized nest for $50 since this hasn't been tested yet! I know the design, and everything works just like the smaller one since it's just scaled up with 2 water towers instead of 1. I just want to sell cheaper for now in case anything happens. This pack includes 2 of the small Horizontal Ant Nest Pack Outworlds, 1 4x6 orange sand coated nest (I can make any sand design wanted as long as it's not too complex) and a syringe. Please let me know if you're interested in one so we can work something out! Thanks.


#20 Offline ColdBloodedCreaturae - Posted August 20 2023 - 7:07 PM



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Hello all, I hope you find this post well. I've been dormant on Formiculture for a long time and I'd like to open light on what's been going on and the major changes that are coming around the corner. I'd like to be clear and state, I'm a highschooler, I have a lot to do every week and this was my first time operating a business at this scale and have it get quite a large following online.


So first things first, what did I do wrong? Several things, I first off I lacked quite a bit of communication with customers on issues with their orders and took a VERY long time to get back to them. During periods I got a large amount of orders and got very stressed out, a prime example was during May, I had a planned trip to Peru to visit family for a month or two, during that time was also end for a lot of my school activities like being a part of the orchestra and choir practice on top of it all they were mostly performances and I still had school work to do, this meant that in the hour or two I had left every day, I tried to cram everything in that time and I had received a massive amount of influx of orders during that time, I tried to do as many as I could but could not do all of them, several I had to cancel once I left and tell them that I tried but couldn't get it done in time. Another issue was the molds for the nest, these molds are all plastic containers, each mold had to be completely destroyed after a nest would make, this not only took time to not cut myself but that meant every time I got more nest orders I had to make more molds to the exact specifications of each customer, this in and of itself takes a lot of time each time, and occasionally, the nest got destroyed in the process. Another smaller issue is that the plexi glass was hard to mold to good specifications by hand just because of how much force plexi glass needs to cut quickly and cleanly with rounded corners. The next issue is that, the business when I made it was when I didn't have many intensive activities going on that took up large parts of my day, but then over time, I got more and more work to do with school activities and it just became too much with the business, but I still tried to keep running it at the current pace because I was very naive thinking I could keep up with it and I just got sick so frequently because of the stress of it all.

So, what could I change from now on to make the business run much more smoothly and avoid a headache for customers? Well, the changes go as follows.

  • I will be improving communication with customers and be much more attentive to my emails. And hours to receive a response from me will be 9AM-6PM Monday-Friday.
  • I'll be much more realistic with all the orders I can take in and be prompt to notify someone if I'm unsure I can take their order if I get overwhelmed or just refund them and explain to them the situation
  • Nests will now be using a very strong reusable 3D printed mold for the nests with sanded corners to make it very hard to see layer lines and an ironed base for a smooth finish for the glass.
  • I'll be switching to mostly producing Ready-to-Ship nests which will be shipped out within a week of purchase.
  • Custom nests I will only take a max of 5 per week, if I receive more than this I will notify the customer that the orders will be slightly delayed just to fit inside this range. And the production time for an order of custom made nests will be raised back up to 3-4 weeks. Doing this will lower the amount of stress to get a nest shipped out.
  • All small nests like the Horizontal Nest Pack Small and our soon to come 3D printed nests will have only 2 vinyl tubing ports for Ready-to-Ship. One on the front, and one on the right side. Larger ones will have depending on the model, 1-2 vinyl tubing ports on the front and one on the left and right side. All these nests will also come with plugs for the nests which are yet to be decided if they'll be made with TPU or PLA.
  • After a large amount of requests for this, we are now going to bring the option for a nice glass lid for nests, these nests will no longer have rounded corners though due to the logistics of cutting rounded edges for glass at the scale my business is. We will still keep the rounded corner nests with plexi glass though, these will likely in the very close future actually be CNC machined for a beautiful cut and accuracy for rounded corners. And plexi glass lids will still be available for all hydrostone or 3D printed nests.

I am very open to more suggestions, I believe to make this business the best I can I must ask the antkeeping community itself what they'd like to see be done better. And if you made it this far, I really appreciate that you took the time to read this all, I hope that the next few weeks and following months that I can prove that these changes will be for the better. Thank you all.

Edited by ColdBloodedCritters, August 20 2023 - 7:18 PM.

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