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ANTdrew's Isopods Journal

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#21 Offline Ernteameise - Posted June 8 2023 - 5:44 AM


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How do Isopods mate?

Is it like in crabs that they mate face to face (because the gonopods are below)?

Or do the males deposit spermatophora?

Just mounting does not seem to me very effective?

I want to know more.

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#22 Offline ANTdrew - Posted June 8 2023 - 6:09 AM


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I found this from smug-bug.com:


"Isopods typically will not be “caught in the act” of breeding; most will hide away when exposed to light as they are a prey animal. There is always an exception to the rule, and the species A. maculatum readily will breed without fear or shame. While breeding, a male will be seen mounting a female, and the female arches up her hind end to assist. Isopods breed once sexually mature, and for some species this is quite young and small. An isopod will complete 5 molts to reach adulthood, but some species are observed gravid in as little as 2 molts. Young females will mate with large males, and large females will allow small males to mate with them as well. They are not picky animals. An interesting behavior observed in some larger Spanish species is a large mature male can be observed guarding a single female to prevent fertilization from other males."

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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#23 Offline Ernteameise - Posted June 8 2023 - 6:22 AM


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Ah, okay, so the females must have receptabula at the hind end and not twin "vaginas" as crabs and shrimps have.


#24 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 15 2024 - 6:58 AM


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Update 7-15-24

My zebra isopods have really taken off now. I have several hundred in this box and another large colony in a five gallon aquarium. The A. klugii are hanging on, but they have not multiplied anywhere near as fast as the A. maculatum. I plan to start selling the zebras, so message me if you are interested in a starter colony.

Zillions of zebras:
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#25 Offline Zzz - Posted July 16 2024 - 9:23 AM



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This is really awesome. I really want to breed isopods but I don’t really have any access to cool species, expect one that is pink. On an unrelated topic, could you explain the prov. 30:25 in your bio. I might be stupid but I don’t really understand!  %)

#26 Offline ANTdrew - Posted July 16 2024 - 1:43 PM


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This is really awesome. I really want to breed isopods but I don’t really have any access to cool species, expect one that is pink. On an unrelated topic, could you explain the prov. 30:25 in your bio. I might be stupid but I don’t really understand! %)

Thank you. That verse is from a list of things that are small, but very wise. It praises ants for the fact that even though they are tiny creatures, they prepare all they need in the summer. A similar theme is portrayed in Aesop’s fable of the ant and the grasshopper.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#27 Offline Zzz - Posted July 17 2024 - 1:55 AM



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This is really awesome. I really want to breed isopods but I don’t really have any access to cool species, expect one that is pink. On an unrelated topic, could you explain the prov. 30:25 in your bio. I might be stupid but I don’t really understand! %)

Thank you. That verse is from a list of things that are small, but very wise. It praises ants for the fact that even though they are tiny creatures, they prepare all they need in the summer. A similar theme is portrayed in Aesop’s fable of the ant and the grasshopper.


Very cool! Thanks for your reply!

#28 Offline ANTdrew - Posted January 25 2025 - 6:44 AM


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Update 1-25-25
I’ve had some of these isopod groupings going for years now. My Armadillidium maculatum zebra isopods actually grew so much that they started to overpopulate. I put a listing up on eBay and made a quick $130 selling off groups of 20.

My A. klugii are hanging in there. They don’t grow anywhere near as fast as the zebras, though.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#29 Offline ANTdrew - Posted January 25 2025 - 7:10 AM


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Some klugii shots:
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#30 Offline evanmancini2011 - Posted January 25 2025 - 7:27 AM


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These are some beautiful isopods! How big of a container do you keep them in? 

#31 Offline ANTdrew - Posted January 25 2025 - 7:58 AM


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A shoebox size plastic container.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

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