Beginning 9-15-2022
I've taken the plunge into the world of isopod keeping. I've loved raising spring tails for a number of years, so I figured I would branch out to other detritivores. I'm also teaching life science this year, so I figured isopods would be the perfect, no-hassles creatures to keep in my class. I may even try some genetics experiments with the students using the cool color morphs out there.
I decided to start with Armadillidium klugii, which are commonly known as clown isopods. This isopod is native to Croatia and Montenegro, which is cool since my family emigrated from Croatia as well. This isopod is brightly colored, and some believe this to be a form of mimicry of the Mediterranean black widow spider.
Ten klugii arrived in the order. I set them up in a small display case box from Hobby Lobby with substrate I made using sterilized compost, rotten wood, and leaf litter. I put a sterilized piece of bark and a magnolia seed pod for them to hide in as well. They have been more active than I expected so far. I'm hoping they will breed and build up a good colony. Stay tuned!