I ordered 1000 ants online to use to test custom formicariums for my queen so all goes smoothly when I put my Formica queen into the formicariums.
The harvester ants are doing as well as expected, living their lives out in their new home. They are going through cold weather now 50-65 F weather since I am trying to keep my place cold enough for my queen to hibernate. It also saves on electricity, and I have a lot of blankets for me!
The harvesters are slowing down, but love sugar water! I gave them shrimp today and they seem to relaly like that too! I have given them so much food to see what they like. They are known to like seeds, but don’t care for them when they have other foods around. I even gave them some baby food (chicken!). They like sandwich meat lol
Anyway, they are showing me how I need to improve the formicariums I make so that when my queen starts her colony, I will have the best home for her and her colony!
I also saved the harvesters from being sent to a lizard this way! hehe