This is a website for anyone interested in Myrmecology and all aspects of finding, keeping, and studying ants. The site and forum are free to use. Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation points to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!
Did you make those little sugar states yourself? Pretty good sculpting.
No, a very skilled cakemaker friend created them. She's great right?
That Hillary video was way too short. Please make some comparison videos again, I loved the video with the Burger meats - it's kind of interesting to see what ants prefer when given choices (although I expect the fire nation to just consume everything that comes into their path at their current size).
I will definitely do more Ant Reaction videos. The next one should be uploading Wednesday.
NEW VIDEO: Part 2 of our new Yellow Crazy Ant Supercolony. See what happened to Queen 1, VOTE for a name for the colony, and watch them do an Ant Mannequin Challenge!
pretty cool!
Did you make those little sugar states yourself? Pretty good sculpting.
No, a very skilled cakemaker friend created them. She's great right?
That Hillary video was way too short. Please make some comparison videos again, I loved the video with the Burger meats - it's kind of interesting to see what ants prefer when given choices (although I expect the fire nation to just consume everything that comes into their path at their current size).
I will definitely do more Ant Reaction videos. The next one should be uploading Wednesday.
NEW VIDEO: Part 2 of our new Yellow Crazy Ant Supercolony. See what happened to Queen 1, VOTE for a name for the colony, and watch them do an Ant Mannequin Challenge!
Species I have kept or are keeping
-Nylanderia sp?
-Pheidole sp
-Pachycondyla Castanea (I didn't catch the queen sadly)
-Monomorium Antarcticum
-Iridomyrmex sp
-Ochetellus Glaber
Good question. Well, I'm not promising every Wednesday but I often have videos done ahead of time and are sitting around waiting to be uploaded so if so, yes I will start uploading additional videos on Wednesday, or I have been thinking of Mondays for the bonus videos (which was our original schedule). Longer meaty videos and AC question of the week, though would be Saturdays. That's the plan for now. Haha it's always changing.
Posted November 19 2016 - 5:26 AM
94 posts
Are you going to make a Myrmecocystus formicarium?
No, as they do not occur where I live butt here is a video on Myrmecocystus coming up soon! Please stay tuned for that!
Greetings Ant lovers!
This week’s episode on the AntsCanada Ant Channel is Part 1 to our Two Part American Thanksgiving Special. We delve into the amazing lives of Leafcutter ants and discover the complexities of their agricultural world. We look at their care, and also how humans are studying them to help better improve our medicine. It also features the ants of our very own Andrew Smith, the one who runs this forum! Thank you, drew for taking the time to let me drop by to film!
We also announce for the AC Question of the Week our GRAND BLACK FRIDAY Giveaway, as our big thanksgiving gift to you, our AC Family, for the undying support this year. Watch the new video here:
dspdrew, MrILoveTheAnts, dermy and 2 others like this
Are you going to make a Myrmecocystus formicarium?
No, as they do not occur where I live butt here is a video on Myrmecocystus coming up soon! Please stay tuned for that!
Greetings Ant lovers!
This week’s episode on the AntsCanada Ant Channel is Part 1 to our Two Part American Thanksgiving Special. We delve into the amazing lives of Leafcutter ants and discover the complexities of their agricultural world. We look at their care, and also how humans are studying them to help better improve our medicine. It also features the ants of our very own Andrew Smith, the one who runs this forum! Thank you, drew for taking the time to let me drop by to film!
We also announce for the AC Question of the Week our GRAND BLACK FRIDAY Giveaway, as our big thanksgiving gift to you, our AC Family, for the undying support this year. Watch the new video here:
Are you going to make a Myrmecocystus formicarium?
No, as they do not occur where I live butt here is a video on Myrmecocystus coming up soon! Please stay tuned for that!
Greetings Ant lovers!
This week’s episode on the AntsCanada Ant Channel is Part 1 to our Two Part American Thanksgiving Special. We delve into the amazing lives of Leafcutter ants and discover the complexities of their agricultural world. We look at their care, and also how humans are studying them to help better improve our medicine. It also features the ants of our very own Andrew Smith, the one who runs this forum! Thank you, drew for taking the time to let me drop by to film!
We also announce for the AC Question of the Week our GRAND BLACK FRIDAY Giveaway, as our big thanksgiving gift to you, our AC Family, for the undying support this year. Watch the new video here:
I was catching up on a bunch of your videos I have been missing. I think this one was my favorite. Did that second colony you were trying to introduce to the first have alates though?
Posted November 26 2016 - 9:26 AM
94 posts
I was catching up on a bunch of your videos I have been missing. I think this one was my favorite. Did that second colony you were trying to introduce to the first have alates though?
Thank you! Yes, Colony B only had male alates though. Thank you for watching!
NEW VIDEO: This week we take an intimate look at the ever diverse Harvester Ants for Part 2 of our two part Thanksgiving Special. We also announce our up coming Christmas Sale and Ant Keeping Beginner Promo! Hope you enjoy this week’s video!
The vertical is more suitable for species that require lots of ceiling space (honey pots) or dry rooms (like Messor for seed-storing and some Camponotus are also very dry-loving).
We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.
What has more space in it - omni nest extra large or omninest vertical large?
Definitely more space in an Omni Xtra Large. They are quite big formicariums and will hold many, many ants. Think the size of those large laptops.
The Omni Nest Vertical has a lot of space, as well, but offers less hydration area (only the sponge side stays moist) which works for a lot of ant species but not recommended for moisture-loving ants like Myrmica.
When do you think the large Hybrid Nests will return?
Definitely first quarter of 2017. We actually have new Test Tube Portals and Test Tube racks that are now being included in all the starter kits that I haven't photographed yet for the site. Now that these have launched, the new Hybrids are next. They are larger and much more sleek, and no longer 3d printed.