I caught an Odontomachus (I believe brunneus) queen on July 1st (still had her wings on at the time) and have been keeping her in a tubs and tubes type setup with some "forest floor" substrate designed for isopods and she has been doing very well thus far. She originally was nesting under the test tube (now is nesting in it as she's supposed to, and has brought in a ton of dirt) so I'm not sure exactly when she laid her initial batch of eggs, but she has since laid a second batch of eggs and now has some decent sized larva as well. She accepts both (dye free) hummingbird nectar and crushed baby mealworms readily, so she is doing well at this point in time.
I'm just curious if anyone knows exactly how fast Odontomachus colonies grow, as there isn't much information that I could find on them beyond the absolute basics, and it's not even been a month and she already has some larva that have definitely been hatched for some time now. From what I understand it takes months but it's not even been one and the larva have already doubled in size. Do they just have a particularly long pupation period or something?