Greetings, once again!
Today, I am back because I just spent 2 hours knocking a piece of wood on a driveway looking like a complete idiot.
So, I recently found an old block of wood used as a door stop, so I lifted it looking for Pheidole, but what I found was quite a surprise. I found a small termite colony with secondary reproductives, in a doorstop. Not sure how they go there(It was in a shed) but after 2 hours of hitting the block against a driveway, I found 50-70 workers, one soldier, and 2 reproductives of some sort. I really lost hope at the end when I found the male, as no termites came out for a solid 30 minutes and I was missing a reproductive.
Anyway, is there anything I need to know before attempting to keep these termites(I think they are dry wood termites). I currently have them in a large weird shaped spice jar, with some leaves, sticks, and a few wood chips. Every other time I try to get a termite colony, it last for about 72 hours… really don’t want this colony to have the same fate.
How did secondary reproductives get here? Two workers wandered into a shed? Happend to be male and female? Or did the come in a large group.
Thanks for any tips, suggestions, and help!
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